Doesn't like his cage


New member
Jun 26, 2012
Wellington, OH
Apollo: Peach-faced Lovebird
Well, I guess the problem is that Ray and I have him out too much. And we're always in the basement, right next to him. When he's in his cage and we're there, he pases back and fourth in front of the door BEGGING to come out

So we let him out. And he stays with us for hours while we're doing our. But if we don't pay attention to him, he'll start squacking. If we leave him alone in his cage, he'll start squacking.

How do we get him to be more independent? He has no interest in his toys.
He can't entertain himself in the cage by himself. I understand that he is a lovebird, and Ray and I are his family and he just wants to be with us, but he needs to find some kind of entertainment for himself sometimes.

So what are your suggestions?


New member
May 23, 2012
Oak Creek, WI
Golden Retriever, "Clancey"
DYH Amazon, "Lambeau"
CAG, "Greycie".
Adding to my flock once fully weaned; Green Winged Macaw.
Well I'm by far NO expert on parrots. But from what I've read you're going to have to slowly start leaving him in his cage for longer periods of time. You'll have to endure the squawking for a while. He now knows if he squawks and puts up a fuss you will take him out. Give him a treat and praise when you put him in his cage. When you have him out play with his toys with him then when you put him back in his cage put the toy back in with him. You're going to have to be strong and NOT give in to his squawking when he wants out. Start out slow extending his alone time more and more. DONT take him out when he squawks, wait till he stops for a minute. Remember to praise him and reward him when you put him in his cage. I never wanted a "too clingy" parrot. So from day one I would ( and continue to do so) take my parrots out for a couple hours a day. We play, they play, I give them treats, a little training, outside time, etc. my point is it's "quality" time. Then after a few hours (3-4) they're put back in their cages. Yes they squawked in the beginning but they soon learn it does them no good so they no longer do it when they're put in their cages. I should add that I take my girls out a couple hrs a day....... A couple of "times" a day as well. Not just once a day!
Sorry this is so long and I warned you I am by far no expert! Good-luck I'm sure you're gonna get tons of valuable suggestions.


New member
Sep 1, 2010
Remington~ GW Macaw
Ollie/Olivia~ CAG
I agree with TFK3~Does he have plenty of toys to help entertain him? Could you play music for him?


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2010
Syracuse, NY
Quaker parrot, Ralph
Have you shown your parrot how to play with his toys, and how much fun they are? If not, you could stimulate his interest in them by playing with his toys while he watches you. Act like you're having the most fun ever. After a while, your parrot will probably decide he wants to play too-- and will eventually play on his own.

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