Ask for your opinion on that sudden death of my budgie


Active member
Nov 3, 2019
Hello. I wanted to create another thread concerning the recent death of my beloved budgie Vitko who died 2 weeks ago on liver and spleen lymphoma ( lymphocites tumor ).

I do not understand how can a healthy not exhibition young vital budgie get something like that. The stress from me could influence that, I did not always have a fair behaviour towards my budgies.
But, I had some problems with the neighbours over me in the panel house who use to beat their carpets or some door - mats from the window, and sometimes I find some hair on my outside window board. I am really exploding when I see that. They were aggressive when I normally wrote an appeal to them and gave it into their mailbox.

Is is possible that they got mad and used some microwave radiation through the walls to heat my flat? Once I heard some story from a man who was trying to create some alternative source of energy in the panel house, and the official state energy institution was trying to scare him and bought some flat near his flat and was sending him some microwave heating through the walls.
What do you think? My budgie Bilko died on acute liver hepatitis and Vitko on the liver and spleen lymphoma. It is really strange. What would you suggest? Thank you.


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2018
Umbrella Cockatoo- 15? years old..I think?
I imagine there was something bacterial or viral going on with your birds (maybe even something congenital). I also wonder about the water supply (sometimes water contains chemicals etc that harm birds but not necessarily people).
I don't think most neighbors (even mean ones) are creative enough to punish someone using microwaves--- unless we are talking about a James Bond villain :)
I am not saying that neighbors never have done anything to harm people's birds, but there would have been easier ways, so I don't think they did that (even if they didn't like you/your birds).
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Thank you for your reply. They probably do not mind my birds, but me when I remind them not to have hairs from them on my board at the window. that is just my possible theory which makes me anxious. But the fact is ( I must recognize ) that my budgie maybe was stressed by me when in the past I used to press his legs when he bited other birds from the dominancy, so I lost the control over myself and did the same to him. IT is a shame, I know.
In the case of Bilko and Vitko, , hmm, chlamydiosis were found at Vitko but did not show doing a problem by the histology. Also the leukemic virus was found negative in PCR method investigation.

PRobably no bacteria there was. In the case of Bilko ( hepatitis ) the findings were no typical neither for bacterial infection, nor for the virus. Maybe 10 viruses were investigated till now, all negative.


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2018
Umbrella Cockatoo- 15? years old..I think?
Any chance of some sort of metal/chlorine etc in the water supply?


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2018
Umbrella Cockatoo- 15? years old..I think?
Your bird drank water. Where did the water come from? If it flowed through pipes, there is a chance it contained things other than water.


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Sep 8, 2018
Correct me if im wrong but liver problems mostly have to do with the diet and excercise were they having a varieted diet and enough excercise?


Active member
Jan 18, 2020
Correct me if im wrong but liver problems mostly have to do with the diet and excercise were they having a varieted diet and enough excercise?

I believe that’s right. Poor quality food leads to obesity, liver and heart problems, tumors and malnutrition. An obese bird is MOST likely to be malnourished.


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Noodles, our water in Slovakia is supposed to have a high quality. I use a filter for my budgies, sometimes I used to take some water from a natural spring, this probably has nothing to do with these problems. No toxic damage of the liver was shown at histology. I could also use a distilled water, I have a distilled maschine at home, but I am lazy to use it regularly.


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Amsterdam and Howdy, yes, mainly Vitko was very active, he was flying in the rooms, and he ate mostly good quality seeds, but also when I had something green or apple, or sometimes carrots, or boiled quail eggs with apples and carrots...

remember, this was an acute liver and spleen lymphoma tumor, not vitamine deficiency!!!
So it came to ma mind the possible sabotage from the stupid neighbours ( older people ), but i do not know whether it is realistic


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Jul 10, 2015
Western, Michigan
DYH Amazon
Noodles, our water in Slovakia is supposed to have a high quality. I use a filter for my budgies, sometimes I used to take some water from a natural spring, this probably has nothing to do with these problems. No toxic damage of the liver was shown at histology. I could also use a distilled water, I have a distilled maschine at home, but I am lazy to use it regularly.

Never use Distilled Water!


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2018
Umbrella Cockatoo- 15? years old..I think?
Distilled water lacks the nutrients/minerals needed for hydration. Don't use it for drinking. A few times using distilled water wouldn't kill a bird, but don't use it in the future.


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Jul 10, 2015
Western, Michigan
DYH Amazon
The sad reality is that your Parrot passed.

What actions came to cause this 'maybe' determined with a very detailed chemical review. BUT, it could be that this Parrot had organs that where not able to functions correctly...

The sad reality is that your Parrot has passed and even with a defined reason why, it will not change or lessen the pain of the loss.

Huge, Warm, Amazon Feather Hugs.


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SailBoat, Vitko was absolutely healthy speed vital young ( not english ) budgie.... I hope he has a good another life. But I will not have a peace till I do not know whether the stresses from me caused that, or what... neighbours probably not, like you say.... I used to press his feet when I was angry on him that he dominated the other budgies. I regret that, of course.... Sorry, I do not understand the detailed chemical review, I have just the histology report on my email.


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of course not distilled water and not reverse osmossis water, but some people prefer distilled water mainly during urine therapy.


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Jul 10, 2015
Western, Michigan
DYH Amazon
There are detailed chemical testing that can be preformed for a larger number of possible reasons for your 'healthy' bird passing...

It is as possible that any number of things could account for the death. You can spend the time and money to find an answer... BUT!!!

It is important to understand that seemingly healthy birds pass. They are so very good at hiding an illness that until they are very ill only a professional 'may' have caught it prior to it becoming very serious.

At this point, there is the question of you and whether you caused the passing. I have a resting place for the many Amazons that have come to us and taken over our home. Some passed very early and some after many years. Near all came to us old and very ill. But, their loss was always heartbreaking and the ache of their loss never goes away. As I have gathered every greater knowledge of the care and loving of our Amazons, I became aware that had I learned this or that information sooner, they may have lived a bit longer and that adds to the ache.

What I have come to learn is that we are never prefect and we make serious errors. What is important is that we learn by educating ourselves and we share what we learn so that others should not have to suffer like we have.

A heartfelt reality; your dear bird loved you and felt your love... And, while your bird was loving you, your dear bird was opening a special place in your heart for another, right next to your dear birds. But, to fill that space, your bird only makes one requirement of you: Love your next bird every more, learn from your dear bird and learn from others life long goal of Loving, Living and provided a better life...

I lost my first bird, a Loving Amazon, near 40 years ago and to this day I miss her dearly. But, I promised her that I would learn and grown and provide others a place of Love and create they space in my heart. And, to pass along what I have learned to others - in the hope that it will lessen their sorrow...

Check the Amazon Forum and very near the top is a sticky thread (highlighted in light blue) that is Titled: I Love Amazons - ... This is a huge Thread that contains over 30 plus segments each designed in enhance one's Loving and Living with Amazons (insert Parrots as you will find the knowledge in information fits).

I hope that this helps your heart begin to mend...


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Thank you, there are more points I did not understand, like wholel the line about heartfelt reality, also this sentence : "And, to pass along what I have learned to others - in the hope that it will lessen their sorrow..."
Ok, does not matter. I have an addictive relation towards my budgies, that is probably not about love, so I do now know what my birds were feeling about my love towards them. When he was suffering the liver encefalopathy, I was apologising him that I was pressing his legs, etc.

I really do not know about what chemical testing are you talking, sorry.
The aviane leukemia virus is negative. Chlamydiosis there were, but not harming. Letting doing another viral tests are useless in the case of Vitko. I was told nothing other can be done. I do not have a reason no to trust that.
I have such a feeling, that the my anxiety are sticking into my budgies and they have health problems.... Maybe I should not own no one budgie if I do not like myself or if my relations with my parents with whom I work in their company are blocked a little from my childhood.
I will see that site about amazons later, but I do not know whether I will understand that. I just know that if this happenes against, it means I have to stop with keeping budgies IMMEDIATELY, maybe starting to harm and injure myself, that is an option, because I have a reason to be angry on myself.
And really, after my beloved budgie Kukuciacik ( 13 years old ) died, no other budgie came close to such age. He died naturally I think ( chronic kidney disease ). And then, another budgies died due to some liver problem..... IF it really means that liver is catching the emotions which I suffer and it sticks into my budgies, it means I can not have no other budgies and I should be cruel on myself, that is clear.


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Jul 10, 2015
Western, Michigan
DYH Amazon
I believe that your heart hurts deeply and you fear that the loss of another will be too much hurt. I fully understand your pain. I hope that this Pray will help you see that they do not leave, they are only busy helping others...

From Page Five (5) of I Love Amazons - ...

I offer you this Segment (Pray): “Passing of a Feathered Friend,”

As this Thread may likely exist far beyond my involvement in All Things Amazon. I believe that like the leading Segment of this Thread, a lasting testimony (Pray) to the Amazons that have shared our home, expanded our Love, and Understanding of Amazons should be part of this work.

It is not an issue of not wanting to visit and more importantly providing words of support as part of the Bereavement Forum, but my own difficultly in fully facing our many losses over the years. It is a reality of what we have committed ourselves too and each loss returns us to that clarity. When one opens their home to the very sick and very poorly cared for, losses are part of the commitment. I ask not forgiveness, but understanding of not often enough in sharing your grief. For those of you who loss a Loving Feather Family Member, I offer you this Pray “Passing of a Feathered Friend,” that we provide our Loved Ones!

This Segment is Rated: To be Read in the company of close Friends and Family.

May Pease find and stand with you as part of your loss my friends…

Passing of a Feathered Friend
Provided By: Steven (SailBoat), November 2016

“All of us feel such deep sadness when our Parrot friends die, and because they are Animals and not Humans, we are at a loss for words. Often, it is only other Parrot owners who can understand the depth of the loss that we feel with this complex, loyal, and loving creature. Resulting from such a loss, I have placed feelings and emotions into words and found verse to console the loss of my Cleo and since her, other sweet Amazons, in turn; I hope it will speak for all of you.” - Steven

You left this world so quickly. I can hardly comprehend your leaving. Yet there, in my hands, your still body rested – no longer your home. So much I have learned, so much you have taught, your purpose a full measure beyond your size. Comprehensions of your loss still a mist but yet, I know you are whole and happy - now beyond Rainbow Bridge. And so busy you must be upon your green wings, guiding angles to those of us yet to cross. With in my ear, I still hear you, those special sweet sounds of comfort and contentment:

“Do not stand by my grave and weep my friend.
I am not here. I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow.
I am the diamond glint on snow.
I am the gentle summer rain.

When you wake in the morning hush, I am the swift uplifting rush of quiet birds in circling flight.
I am the soft starlight at night.
Do not stand at my grave and cry my friend.
I am not there. I did not die.”

My pray for you my beloved feathered friend:

“May your body nourish this earth.
May your soul find release and contentment.
May you fly high and free upon wings of spirit.
Rest in peace little green one.”

The love and tender warmth of you is a un-full-fill-able void.
I do so much thank-you for creating a space for another, a special place next to yours’.

In remembrance of Cleo, (Estimated) Spring 1959 - May 2003

Amazon’s Have More Love!

Sources: Cheyenne Warrior Blessing, The Amazona Society’s Forum, Steven (SailBoat)
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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2018
Umbrella Cockatoo- 15? years old..I think?
Thank you, there are more points I did not understand, like wholel the line about heartfelt reality, also this sentence : "And, to pass along what I have learned to others - in the hope that it will lessen their sorrow..."
Ok, does not matter. I have an addictive relation towards my budgies, that is probably not about love, so I do now know what my birds were feeling about my love towards them. When he was suffering the liver encefalopathy, I was apologising him that I was pressing his legs, etc.

I really do not know about what chemical testing are you talking, sorry.
The aviane leukemia virus is negative. Chlamydiosis there were, but not harming. Letting doing another viral tests are useless in the case of Vitko. I was told nothing other can be done. I do not have a reason no to trust that.
I have such a feeling, that the my anxiety are sticking into my budgies and they have health problems.... Maybe I should not own no one budgie if I do not like myself or if my relations with my parents with whom I work in their company are blocked a little from my childhood.
I will see that site about amazons later, but I do not know whether I will understand that. I just know that if this happenes against, it means I have to stop with keeping budgies IMMEDIATELY, maybe starting to harm and injure myself, that is an option, because I have a reason to be angry on myself.
And really, after my beloved budgie Kukuciacik ( 13 years old ) died, no other budgie came close to such age. He died naturally I think ( chronic kidney disease ). And then, another budgies died due to some liver problem..... IF it really means that liver is catching the emotions which I suffer and it sticks into my budgies, it means I can not have no other budgies and I should be cruel on myself, that is clear.

Your bird's death had nothing to do with your emotions. It is a mystery but it wasn't your emotions that caused it.


Supporting Member
Jul 10, 2015
Western, Michigan
DYH Amazon
The reason for my providing the above Post is to bring to you and understanding that you are not along in your fear. You are not alone in your Heartache. And, you are not alone is this loss!

Know that you can and will learn from this loss. Make every effort in providing the best loving home for each Parrot that comes into your life.
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