Slow going with Kenji


New member
Aug 24, 2011
African Greg
2 cockatiels
Kenji and I are doing pretty good, but it's going very slow. He is ok with me, one time when he was on the floor I picked him up and carefully walked him around the house, during that time I was able to pet his head a little. When on his cage I can tell he is very uncomfortable with my hand coming up. If I were to try to pet him he would nip me, or run away so I never push it.

He LOVES my mom, and I think that is why it's taking longer. He only see's her a few minutes every day, but he gets so excited and gives her lots of kisses. Sometimes he gets a little to excited and starts regurgitating a little, I've pointed this out to my mom so she knows when to stop. This morning she came in to say hi to him and he actually lowered his head and let her pet him for a few seconds. When she walks away he talks and acts cute to get her to come back, if she continues to leave he will beg similar to Rosie.

So slow going, but I know we'll get there eventually :) Luckily I have Rosie who adores me, so it's ok if Kenji likes my mom as long as he's still decent with me, which he is. Every day I give him lots of kisses too, although he's a little less enthusiastic haha. I'm also the one who takes care of him, gives him food/water, makes awesome toys in front of him so he knows I am a helpful human ;)

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New member
Jul 20, 2012
AAAWWW, Ashley, Kinji likes your mom, that is sweet! :) I still think he will do a 180 for you in time. You are such a patient person and SO good to him/with him, he'll come around, I really, truly think so. :)


Supporting Member
Jul 6, 2009
Sunny South Africa !!!
African "Grey"
7 Years old
Kinji sure is fond of your mum
Not to worry he will come around

If I walk out of a room Mishka always re-acts and begins to whistle

Mishka sure had a change of heart this weekend
I walked into the kitchen, Mishka was on his playstand, Steven was in his office studying.

Mishka flew off and walked straight to Steven's office calling "Stevaliekie where are you?.

I then walked into the office Mishka was sitting on Steven's shoulder (something he has never ever done)

Later on I went to shower, Mishka and Steven were in the lounge, he never even called for me, or even went looking for ME !!!!!



New member
Apr 5, 2013
Middlebury, VT
CAG Quincy - BD 3/27/00. Gotcha 6/00 ~ GW Macaw Savannah - BD 6/21/93. Gotcha 4/13 ~ B&G Macaw Coqui - BD 9/3/03. Gotcha 10/13 ~ Blue Crown Conure Sidney - BD Unknown Approx 5 Years Old. Gotcha 6/15/
Ashley - You are doing great with Kinji. He will come around at some point. In my opinion Grey's sometimes need more time to get used to people and things. Just keep working with him and you will slowly keep moving forward to having an awesome relationship. Who knows, maybe something your Mom does reminds him of his old home. Keep your chin up and continue to give him lots of lovin'! ;)

I love the photo of Kinji! He is beautiful!
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New member
May 3, 2013
African Grey
I just got Honey and she was the same way, but after spending as much time as i could with her she came around, he'll come around soon is what I've learned :) .. by the way he's beautiful !

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