How to stop GCC banging beak on cage?


New member
Feb 10, 2020
A little over a week ago my GCC has started this thing where whenever his cage is covered at night or in the morning, he taps/bangs his beak on the cage. He’s almost 5 years old and up until his point had never done that before. I’m essentially 95% sure it’s him trying to get attention, but it’s getting to the point where I can barely sleep cause the moment he hears anything in the morning he starts. Currently I’ve been doing my best to ignore it so he doesn’t associate the act with me reacting but I’m getting to my limit. Does anyone have any advice on how I can break him of this so he also doesn’t end up damaging his beak by constantly doin this?


Active member
Nov 3, 2014
My GCC does the same thing. I mostly ignore it, unless its time to remove the cover or whatever else it is that she's trying to get my attention for. Just part of living with a bird,


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2018
Full house
My GCC also does this when she wants out, I actually get her out, give her some loving, and put her back in a couple of minutes. That stops it for me.

But as soon as the sun comes up all my birds scream till I get up.....

GCC need a lot of social attention and out if cage time. Make sure your meetings that need. Don't leave them covered when you get up, mornings are a very important time for birds, they want to make sure the flock survived the night, and reafirm bonds. Morning rituals are very important.

Weave those shredders through the bars of the cage, offer lots if easy to destroy stuff, a member here recommend old paperback book pages and they work great. GCC also like to untie knots, I read that, tried it, and yep she loves to do that!

Is the cage large enough? Many cages sold are way to small, also set up the cage with lots of short let he's to jump arou d in a staggered patterns. Increase foraging.

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