Our souls are interconnected


Well-known member
Jan 6, 2014
Lewiston, Maine
Neotropical Pigeon - "Skittles" (born 3/29/10)
Cockatiel - "Peaches" (1995-2015) R.I.P.
Budgie - "Sammy"
(1989-2000) R.I.P.
Budgie - "Sandy"
(1987-1989) R.I.P.
So, some of you may remember a few years ago, I woke up from falling asleep in my recliner when the doorbell rang. I was expecting a package and I jumped up and out of the chair with my right ankle fast asleep and tore a ligament. Skittles usually goes off when he hears the doorbell or a knock. But he usually quiets down after it stops and I deal with it. This time, he wasn't. So I called my neighbor to see if she could help me and she suggested that he wasn't reacting to the doorbell but rather to my injury. I thought that was stupid, but I followed her advice and I tried reassuring Skittles that I was okay and he made his trademark "kissy noises" and quieted down. It was mindblowing.

Fast forward to a week ago. I was in what had to be the worst tooth pain of my life (even worse than when I had a RCT and they left half the nerve in). I didn't sleep for two whole nights and when I tried to rest in the afternoon, I kept trying to put ice on the side that hurt but I couldn't. Skittles kept "pressing" himself right where the pain was and would regularly try to "open" my mouth and try and get inside. A few times he even grabbed my lower lip with one of his feet. Yes, Dr.Skitty reporting once again for duty. Turns out, I had an infection that spread from one tooth to three teeth in the span of 24hrs and was spreading rapidly. They pulled one of the teeth, sucked out the infection and put me on ABs. That afternoon I felt all better, the pain from the extraction didn't even faze me. lol. Skittles of course went back to his normal "everything is about me" personality, as expected.

What I find so interesting is how when I'm in pain or crisis, he feels its okay to violate my physical boundaries and take charge of the situation, but when I do the same, I get put in my place. No fair, No fair.

I know animals are smart and amazingly perceptive, but when you have a super-strong bond with said animal I don't think you ever really become accustomed to it. I mean they channel into our feelings better than our own human friends & family.


New member
May 24, 2020
I totally get it and believe that animals absolutely can channel into our energy and what we are feeling. I've seen it with some of my cats, how they get absolutely upset and concerned if I was crying. Same with dogs. Years ago, my niece and daughter were raking leaves, nice falls down and hits a tree root and cries, she was about 9. As she sits crying in the yard, my doberman goes over to her and lays her feet across her legs and puts her head down and just looks at her with the sweetest most concerned face you have ever seen. She was in total comfort mode, and completely comforted my niece. We still talk about that. My dog is 12 now (old for a dobe) and still has that same sweet, caring and completely intuitive behavior, she does not like when people are hurt or sad.

Hope you are feeling better after your tooth infection! Smart little birdie, doesn't surprise me at all that she detected it.

Lee Ann


Supporting Member
Aug 21, 2010
San Diego, California USA, Earth, Milky Way Galaxy
Goffins: Gabby, Abby, Squeaky, Peanut, Popcorn / Citron: Alice / Eclectus: Angel /Timneh Grey: ET / Blue Fronted Amazon: Gonzo /

RIP Gandalf and Big Bird, you are missed.
You are absolutely correct, animals have a sixth sense, amplified by deep bond. Little wonder they are used to help detect cancer and other illnesses, not to mention dogs as explosive/fruit detector monitors.

Hope you are feeling much better!!


Active member
Mar 24, 2018
Upstate New York
GCC Pineapple
Have to wholeheartedly agree, about them tuning in to our feelings, since I just had a similar incident with my Pineapple. The other day I wrote a post regarding a very scary event that happened as my Buddy seemed to maybe have a seizure of sorts. For a minute he acted drunk and wavered on his perch. Scared the hell out of me.
He seemed okay about ten minutes later. A few hours later he was playing around and I watched him intently. I became a bit teary eyed as my thoughts of his incident pulled on my heart strings.
He then flew to my shoulder and as he looked at me I said “I love you” as I am trying to teach him to say that. But this time, instead of getting a blank look from him, he snuggled under my chain and then “kissed” my lip.
Hope your tooth is better as I have been through that type of pain a few times.


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2019
New England
Sunny the Sun Conure (sept '18, gotcha 3/'19). Mr Jefferson Budgie & Mrs Calliope Budgie (albino) (nov'18 & jan'19). Summer 2021 Baby Budgies: Riker (Green); Patchouli, Keye, & Tiny (blue greywings).
Skittles kept "pressing" himself right where the pain was and would regularly try to "open" my mouth and try and get inside. A few times he even grabbed my lower lip with one of his feet. ....
...That afternoon I felt all better, the pain from the extraction didn't even faze me. lol. Skittles of course went back to his normal "everything is about me" personality, as expected.

Haha, "normal 'everything is about me' personality." I love it! What a great description of my own Sunny's personality as well! (And, so distinctly Different from the huge world-on-our-shoulders' personalities of my tiny little budgies.)

So, Skittles says: "Hey, what's going on? ?? You doN't seem to be all about Me today!??! Something is wrong with your face--it is not focused on Me! Look, I see the problem. Something wrong inside that weird beak of yours. Here, let me fix it. No, really! Chewing is one of my Skillz. I can tear that right out for you. Just let me on in there. C'mon, open up! C'mon, c'mon..."


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