Nutrition: Proteins (Meat, Dairy, Nuts, etc.)


New member
Aug 16, 2007
Keupi - a Senegal.
Regarding proteins - which in human speak generally means 'meats' in fid worlds it actually encompasses what they digest as proteins. This includes animal meats (a carnivore in some cases), dairy foods, and nuts.

It also includes fish. Personally, I don't give my fid fish. Fish itself may be fine but there are too many issues regarding mercury and other toxins in fishing areas that make me avoid them. What's fine for a human is toxic to a fid and it's just not a risk I tempt.

As for meats - they are fine to feed but make sure your fid gets only well-done portions. Chicken, pork, and beef are fine, and I've also know of no issues with lamb and veal as well as wild foul (duck and pheasant). The key item is to only give a fid a meat that is well-done. While a chef who can make me a medium-rare steak is one I love, pink is not a parrot friend.

Dairy foods are also a great source of protein but do not give them straight milk in any form. The easier way to describe it is 'lactose' intolerant but it's not that simple. The belief is that there's something else other than lactose that is an issue yet to be identified but milk itself is identified as a problem. However, cooked eggs (especially hard-boiled or scrambled) as well as yogurt, cheese, and other dairy by-products are good sources of proteins for fids as long as they are given in moderation (3 times a week).

Nuts are another area which became 'bad' for a while but are actually good. In fact, regarding proteins, they are the one item that is a natural source of protein to our fids in the wild (most wild parrots don't get cooked meat or make cheese daily - but they do eat nuts). The big issue with nuts is that too many can lead to a fat fid (or a porky parrot). The reason is that as a source of protein in the wild, fids have a natural instinct to feed on them in captivity. Therefore, a nut or two twice a day is fine, healthy and beneficial, but a diet consisting solely of peanuts or almonds is not.

Proteins are a necessary source of fid-diet but the issue with proteins is that what's natural in the wild may need to be tempered in the home. The way to think about it is, while our fids may be intelligent, I have yet to see one milk a cow but I have seen many eat a nut. At the same time, our fids don't need to spend time foraging for food daily. So, to mimic the wild but compensate for the limitations - no milk, a nut or two once or twice a day, and other proteins (meat and dairy) three to four times a week.

To make it easier - when you make beef, chicken or pork - offer your fids a well-done piece (the ends, cut off the fat) on a kabob or diced in a dish. With dairy - put a bit of cheese or cooked egg in with the nuts. You don't need to do anything differently regarding preparation (except if you're cooking with a don't), but make up a dish at the outset of whatever you're having, let it cool, and offer it up. The flock mentality (eat when others eat) will take over eventually.


New member
Jun 14, 2007
That's a good post there Keupi!Thanks for reminding things and offering new as well...:D

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