Lovebird being uncooperative


New member
Jun 13, 2014
Cream, Cookie and Baby, peach faced lovebirds
Cream is usually the lovebird out of the two who's always cooperating with me but recently he's been pretty unruly, most likely due to his hormones.

I've had Cream for about 13 months now and we're pretty close. However, I've noticed some odd behaviours.

First, he refuses to eat his food in his cage. He IS eating just fine actually, but he only likes to eat the food if it's in the other bird's cage or if it's out in the main area, for some reason he refuses to eat the food in his cage. I've looked through it, nothing wrong, even tried to encourage him with millet. Inside the cage, nothing. Outside the cage he acts like it's a party.

Second, when I try to put him to bed he's been very very argumentative lately. Normally I can just have him perch on my hand. But recently he's been flying all around the apartment and trying to run away. He isn't scared either, he doesn't mind perching on my hand, but the moment I get up to his cage, bam, he flies away.

He seems really feisty whenever he's in his cage and has been trying to establish some sort of resting location on top of the AC as well, which I've been trying to discourage with little success. Are my lovebirds broody or something?! Is Cream really a she? Who knows!1

Is something wrong? Or is he being moody? I don't think he's sick, he's very active and hasn't had a change in behaviour or droppings outside of this.

I mean otherwise he's totally chill. I just don't want him to get into weird habits.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2013
U2-Poppy(Poppy lives with her new mommy, Misty now) CAG-Jack, YNA, Bingo, Budgie-Piper, Cockatiel-Sweet Pea Quakers-Harry, Sammy, Wilson ***Zeke (quaker) Twinkle (budgie) forever in our hearts
I think you are right, it sounds like Cream's hormones may be getting the best of him. Another possible cause may be that he has been with you long enough to feel completely confident and comfortable and wants to test his boundaries to see just how much he can get by with. Sometimes birds just want to have fun.

If you put food inside Cream's cage with the doors open, and no food outside his cage, at least temporarily, he won't be tempted to stay out and party too late.

Most parrots find a game of chase highly entertaining. If Cream is waiting until you get close and then flying to a new location, he's taught you to play catch the birdie, great fun for Cream, not so much for mom. Stand your ground, stay in one place, call your bird to you and wait for him to comply. The first few times may take some patience, he isn't going to appreciate having his game called off.

Sometimes it's good to reinforce basic skills with your bird, he will appreciate the one and one time and remember everything he has been trained to do.

If he is completely unruly and hormonal, wait until he's in a calm mood and keep the training sessions short.

Hormonal behavior is common for both males and females. I'm not sure if you can determine gender in Lovebirds without a DNA test.

Hopefully some of our Lovebird enthusiasts will come along and give you more species specific answers.

It's nice to see you here. I hope Cream gets back to normal soon.

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