Nesting/shredding obsession becoming out of hand - aggressive.


New member
Aug 31, 2013
New Jersey
Meyer Parrot: Charlie
Parrotlets: Major and Tango
Peach-faced Lovebird: Eleanor
Long post, sorry in advance.

So my lovebird Eleanor now has a friend, Emmeline. They get along well, preening each other and just talking and enjoying the fact that they have someone else in their cage. Not super cuddly but they both appear to be quite happy.

Eleanor has always been a master paper shredder. Since Emmy came along though, Ellie has been shredding toys (even wooden ones) to make a nest in the bottom corner of her cage. While out of the cage, the two are fine, and if they are by food or toys not near Ellie's 'nest'. However, if Emmy goes close to the 'nest' or if I put my hand in to get one of the girls, Ellie runs down and tries to attack whoever it is and defend her nest.

It's to the point where Emmy has nothing to play with because Ellie is shredding all the toys in the cage. She even flies to my other cages and tries to get at newspaper and shreddable toys.

Does anyone have any advice for me? She is so preoccupied with nesting, I'm concerned if she's happy or if she is always in a panic to keep her nest safe.
Thank you!


New member
Dec 20, 2016
In my parents house
A cockatiel, a bourke, and three budgies
I would think that's just nesting behavior, my female budgie went through a similar phase a few months ago, she wouldn't let anyone go near the water dish, it all blew over in a couple weeks.

I did nothing with my "nesting" female. It is natural behavior. I added another water dish so my other budgie had something to drink.
Maybe you should add more toys, take out shredded ones and put new ones in.

Sent from my Galaxy s8

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