Ingrown feather


New member
Oct 10, 2012
Molly - 40-something year old wild caught Greenwing Macaw (RIP);
Buford - 8 year old Blue & Gold;
Kazoo - 15 year old Citron Cockatoo
Buford had a primary feather coming in out of line and looking strange. I watched it for a week and it didn't seem to be working itself out. I also noticed a large purple lump next to it and thought it might be an ingrown feather.

I took him to the vet today and the vet ended up removing two ingrown feathers each about an inch and a half long. Hopefully this will allow them to grow back in normally.

This was also Buford's first trip to the vet in his harness rather than in a carrier. He refused to sit on the perch I strapped into the seat. Instead, he chose to sit on my shoulder the whole trip. All in all he did pretty well.

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