Don't Try To Spend a $2 Bill At Walmart!!!


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Aug 20, 2016
State College, PA
Senegal Parrot named "Kane"; Yellow-Sided Green Cheek Conure named "Bowie"; Blue Quaker Parrot named "Lita Ford"; Cockatiel named "Duff"; 8 American/English Budgie Hybrids; Ringneck Dove named "Dylan"
Yesterday I had a very surreal and ridiculous experience at one of my local Walmarts, and I figured I would share it here just in-case it happens to anyone else here. I didn't anticipate a problem, so I wasn't mentally prepared to deal with it...

Yesterday I worked at the Rescue all day long and into the night, and I had helped to load and unload hundreds of bags of bird food, bird supplies, and reptile supplies from a truck, just a long, boring day of labor...I left around 7:00 last night to come home, and I stopped at Walmart to grab something to eat...I had forgotten to bring my wallet with me so I didn't have any cards with me (the Rescue is 20+ minutes away from State College/my house), but I had some cash in my car, including a $2 bill that I had gotten as change from a bar last week. It was the first $2 bill I'd seen in years, but I have occasionally gotten them over the years as change, along with those stupid gold dollar coins that you get at the toll-booths that drive me crazy...Anyway, I had left the $2 bill in my car, and since I didn't have much cash on me, I grabbed the $2 bill and thought "Good time to get rid of this thing"...

I grabbed a sandwich and then went to the register at Walmart where you can buy cigarettes, because I also forgot my vape and hadn't had any nicotine all day long except for one cigarette I bummed from another worker. I got into the line, put the sandwich up, asked for a pack of smokes (praying she wouldn't card me because I didn't have my ID with me either, which she didn't), and then handed her the cash...The cashier was a young girl, probably between 18-25, so when she looked at the $2 bill strangely I wasn't surprised, she'd probably never seen one before...She said "What is this? I didn't know there were $2 bills." I laughed and told her that yeah, they have been printing them for decades but that they aren't very common any longer because they never printed many of them to begin with. I told her I had gotten it as change in a well-know bar downtown a week ago, and she wanted to ask her Manager before she took it...I didn't mind, in fact I didn't blame her because she didn't know anything about it...So she flipped-on a light that flashed, I guess that's the call for the manager...Then the fun began...

This other woman walks over, she's one of the managers (but not the general manager of the store) and she was probably around my age, I'd say in her mid to late 30's...The cashier showed her the $2 bill and said that I was trying to use it to pay for my stuff, and that she wanted to check to make sure it was problem there at all, the cashier was totally cool and I don't blame her one bit for what happened...But this manager was just completely rude from the moment she walked over to us, she was rude to me but she was just as rude to her own cashier who was just trying to do the right thing and cover her ass...She grabbed the $2 bill, looked at it, rolled her eyes, and then looked at me with a sigh and said "Really?", followed by "You're going to have to give use different bills because we don't accept these, even if they are real." I told her it was real, that I had gotten it as change at a local bar, and that I didn't have any other cash on my person, that was it...She then told me that I'd have to leave and come back with with other money/cards or just leave. I told her it was legal currency and that they actually still print $2, and she said "How do we know it's even real?"...Why anyone would make counterfeit $2 bills I have no idea, lol, but I asked to speak to her supervisor because I really needed a cigarette at this point, that was all I was thinking about to be honest...She then pulled out her little walkie-talkie and called security...

I asked her why she was calling security, and she said to "escort me out of the store", I asked why, she hadn't even asked me to leave the store, I only asked to speak to her supervisor, and then she said "You're lucky I don't call the police", I asked why would she call the police, and she said because I was possibly trying to spend "phony money". I asked her if she had never seen a $2, and told her I was asking her a serious question, because I could understand if she hadn't ever seen one or known about them, and she again rolled her eyes at me and said "Just stop. You're not doing yourself any favors because you know you've been on video since you walked into the store, right? So you really need to just stop". She still hadn't asked me to leave the store once, and security wasn't coming for some reason, so yes, she called over another manager, explained what was going on, and this manager immediately said "I'm calling State College Borough", meaning the police, to which the first manager said "I was thinking Rockview, isn't that more appropriate for this?"...Yes, they called the freaking Pennsylvania State Police on me for giving them a $2 to pay for the things I was buying...

Long story short, I had to sit there and wait for almost an hour for a PA State Trooper to arrive from their barracks that are a 5-minute drive from the Walmart (I figured if I left they'd have video of me all over the local news, stating that I was wanted for trying to spend counterfeit money, lol)...I don't like police much at all, I'll be honest, they make me nervous and I don't trust them at all, which probably isn't fair of me, but it's just my experience with them all...However, this guy walked into the Walmart, spoke to the managers while I was sitting on a bench having the worst nicotine-fit of my life, they showed him my $2 bill, he looked at it and said something to them, I couldn't hear them at all, then they visibly got very angry and upset with the cop, and he got out his little notebook and walked over to me...He immediately said "You're the one with the $2 bill? Yeah, I don't know what the problem is but I have to take down your information and write a report of this, here's your $2 bill back..." He took down my info and then told me to have a nice day, then he went over to the manager's office...I realized then that they still had my $10 bill as well, lol...I went over to the cashier and said "I guess I'm good to go even though you guys won't take the $2 bill, but I still need to get back my $10 too", to which the cashier said "I'm so sorry, I didn't know that they made $2 bills, now I'm in trouble for embarrassing her stupid-ass too"...I felt badly...Well, she had put my $10 in her register and canceled the sale, but she had to have a manager come over to open the register up with a key to return my $10, right?...Yeah, I had no "proof" that I had given them a $10, no receipt because I didn't actually buy anything, nothing, and the same manager refused to give me my $10 back, or to use it to buy a pack of cigarettes...I asked her to "Please take a look at that video you told me I've been on since I walked into the store and you'll find me handing your cashier a $10 bill and a $2 bill", and the cashier verified this as well...Nope, I have to call corporate and file a complaint against her, or call the police and file my own report against Walmart for $10...She simply walked away and refused to look at the video, which I'm sure is erased or recorded-over by now...Hundred-billion dollar company stole $10 from me because I tried to pay with a legal $2 bill...
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New member
May 24, 2018
Cairo the Ekkie!
OMG. I don't know whether to laugh or to cry.... As a kid, I LOVED getting $2 bills from my uncle. I'm pretty sure I still have a stash of them back at my parents' home.

Not sure how you want to proceed, but I know some people nowadays find it... effective? to bring this sort of thing onto social media. It's really a shame that the manager doesn't have any decency - I wouldn't expect her to apologise (pride and all), but at least don't keep down that path of stubbornness.


May 23, 2018
NL= the Netherlands, Europe
Sunny a female B&G macaw;
Japie (m) & Appie (f), both are congo african grey;
All are rescues- had to leave their previous homes for 'reasons', are still in contact with them :)

I would have called the police on them in my turn.
This is straighforward embezzlement: getting you in trouble over 2 dollar so they could steal your 10...

?? Why do you guys have (legal) money nobody will accept??
(We had the same issue with the enormously large Euro bills - they were so uncommon nobody knew what they looked like / except criminals and people at the bank ... so we cancelled them all together. No more confusion.)

Great mindblowing story- (thank you for sharing) and I am so sorry you went through all of this. :(


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2018
Full house
What a story!!!!!! I'm so sorry a bunch if idiots treated you like this!!!!
Crazy story!! I be talking to you getting general manager, and sending a letter to cooperation!


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May 29, 2018
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Peach faced lovebird Fiona (F),
Peach faced lovebird Fionek (M)
If I were you, I wouldn't leave things like that.. and in the U$A, you could probably sue them for BIG $$$ for scam like this.
Isn't it you have had some bad experience with the cops while you were jogging around some time ago? I recall some story like that, not that long time ago....

But...What makes people so mean to others?.... Can't understand.


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Parrot of the Month 🏆
Dec 24, 2015
New Hampshire
Nike a Hawk Head Parrot (Deroptyus accipitrinus)
Geez, now I have to find a $2 bill and try it at my Walmart ;)


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2018
Umbrella Cockatoo- 15? years old..I think?
OY...That is crazy and stupid...and kind of funny (except when it happens to you lol).


Mar 22, 2017
Moral of this story, don't shop at Walmart. I try to avoid that place like the plague. I also agree with Aratingettar, what makes people want to be such jerks, are they just completely miserable with their lives or what?
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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2018
Umbrella Cockatoo- 15? years old..I think?
As a lifetime Walmart shopper, I think that common courtesy has gotten way worse over the last few years...I think it relates to smartphones (lol)..seriously.... but I digress!


Active member
Aug 7, 2018
Blue fronted amazon, lutin cockatiel, agapornis fischer...

I would have called the police on them in my turn.
This is straighforward embezzlement: getting you in trouble over 2 dollar so they could steal your 10...

?? Why do you guys have (legal) money nobody will accept??
(We had the same issue with the enormously large Euro bills - they were so uncommon nobody knew what they looked like / except criminals and people at the bank ... so we cancelled them all together. No more confusion.)

Great mindblowing story- (thank you for sharing) and I am so sorry you went through all of this. :(

We still have the 500 and 200 bills, and they work good! They just don’t accept it in the little stores :/

Jose :)


Supporting Member
Nov 9, 2018
Eclectus: SI. Vosmaeri
"KISE" She was born in Jan, 2018.
"Akashi" He hatched 07/13/2021.


May I go to Walmart now???? :confused::confused::confused:

That store was lucky that it wasn't me that they have to deal with.



Well-known member
Apr 23, 2010
Syracuse, NY
Quaker parrot, Ralph
A lot of stores refuse to accept $2 bills, and I've had some reject half-dollar coins too. Ridiculous.

I had a bad experience attempting to return a defective item I bought at Walmart-- I was treated rudely and accused of stealing the item, though I had a receipt right there in my hand. They refused an exchange or refund, so I called corporate headquarters in Arkansas to complain. Two hours later, I got a call from my local store manager to apologize and offering me a full refund. When I went back, I insisted that the manager apologize again, in front of all the customers waiting at the service desk. :D I got my money back and the manager insisted I keep the defective item I'd bought, but I tossed it in the trash can behind the service counter; it was probably restocked later. Since then, I avoid shopping at any of their stores. I'd recommend you call Walmart headquarters and complain (nicely, of course). Maybe you'll get an apology too, and your $10 back.


May 23, 2018
NL= the Netherlands, Europe
Sunny a female B&G macaw;
Japie (m) & Appie (f), both are congo african grey;
All are rescues- had to leave their previous homes for 'reasons', are still in contact with them :)
We still have the 500 and 200 bills, and they work good! They just don’t accept it in the little stores :/

Jose :)

No more 1000, and by the end of this year they stop making the 500-bills as well, so in a few years no-one will accept the 500's (except banks) either.


Good tip gnyguy!
Get the big boss on it!


New member
Aug 20, 2016
State College, PA
Senegal Parrot named "Kane"; Yellow-Sided Green Cheek Conure named "Bowie"; Blue Quaker Parrot named "Lita Ford"; Cockatiel named "Duff"; 8 American/English Budgie Hybrids; Ringneck Dove named "Dylan"
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As a lifetime Walmart shopper, I think that common courtesy has gotten way worse over the last few years...I think it relates to smartphones (lol)..seriously.... but I digress!

Noodles, you just took the words right out of my mouth, I've been saying this for the last 10 years...Since I have been in automotive sales and finance for 15 years now, dealing with the public has gotten progressively worse and worse, and the only difference as time goes on is technology/cell phones/social media...So I totally agree...

And Walmart in-general has also been heading the same direction, as have most retail stores, restaurants, etc. in the US..I'm only 38 and I hate to sound like an old-fogey or my mother, but there is something about dealing with people that are in their teens/20's right now..They just don't care how they treat other people.

Yes, I am the one who was stopped by a local cop and asked to show my ID to him while I was on-foot...I found out quickly that this has become VERY COMMON after posting it on my Facebook page...Literally dozens of people posted about being asked for their ID's while they were either on-foot or were the passengers in a vehicle, and some of them were actually cuffed and put in the back of police cars for not having their ID with them while riding as a passenger in a vehicle...Which is totally legal, but they find something else to charge you with, like breathing...

****As far as Walmart and the $2 bill go[B/]...I had to wait until today to call Walmart corporate because they don't work weekends, so this morning first thing I called their "Customer Complaint Line", which basically let me leave a message stating my complaint...I also sent them an online complaint message...No call back..So I called again and this time asked for a real person, and got one, and explained what had happened, and I requested that they simply look at the video, see that I gave the cashier $12, and then give me my $10 back. That's it, that's all I want, and I'm not making a big deal about this, I just want my money back....

They told me that I would have to speak to "Loss Prevention" in that particular Walmart store and have them access the video...So I said okay, and then asked them who I need to have look at it, and they said that same store manager that was working when this whole thing happened. They actually seemed more concerned about one of their cashiers not just taking a legal $2 in the first place, and said that she needed to be worried about taking $100 bills and not $2 bills...I had to give them the casheir's name, and now I feel awful because if she gets in trouble or loses her job I'm going to lose my mind, she did nothing wrong at all but check with her manager about something she was unsure of...She did what she was supposed to do, and she's going to get in trouble for doing so...

So, if I want my $10 I have to go back to that Walmart, find the same manager who called the police on me, and tell her that corporate said for her to look at the video footage from Loss-Prevention that shows me giving the cashier $12 total, and then to give me my $10 back...Now what are the odds of that happening?


New member
Aug 20, 2016
State College, PA
Senegal Parrot named "Kane"; Yellow-Sided Green Cheek Conure named "Bowie"; Blue Quaker Parrot named "Lita Ford"; Cockatiel named "Duff"; 8 American/English Budgie Hybrids; Ringneck Dove named "Dylan"
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I'm actually thinking I should just drop this whole thing and eat the $10, but it's the principle of the thing...I wasted over 2 hours screwing around with that, and I had to deal with the State Police...and they literally stole $10 from me...We'll see, I'm leaving work and going to stop on my way home (I live 2 minutes from the Walmart)...We'll see if Loss-Prevention will even access the video for me...The people in corporate refused to even call the manager or anyone else at that store until they receive a copy of the Police Report, so I'm also going to call the State Trooper, who was the nice person in this situation, ironically, and see if he can email me a copy so I can email it to Walmart Corporate...I really don't think that the people from corporate Walmart believed what I was telling them happened, and ya know what...I don't blame them...


New member
Aug 20, 2016
State College, PA
Senegal Parrot named "Kane"; Yellow-Sided Green Cheek Conure named "Bowie"; Blue Quaker Parrot named "Lita Ford"; Cockatiel named "Duff"; 8 American/English Budgie Hybrids; Ringneck Dove named "Dylan"
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We still have the 500 and 200 bills, and they work good! They just don’t accept it in the little stores :/

Jose :)

No more 1000, and by the end of this year they stop making the 500-bills as well, so in a few years no-one will accept the 500's (except banks) either.


Good tip gnyguy!
Get the big boss on it!

I actually looked this whole "$2 bill" thing up, and guess what? Not only are $2 bills still legal-tender in the US, BUT THEY STILL PRINT THEM!!! I had no idea they still printed them, but according to the US Treasury Department they print 3.2 million $2 bills every year in the US, but because they print billions of all the other bills (except $50 bills), that's why we never see them anymore...And you can actually go to any US bank and ask them for specifically $2 bills and they'll give you freshly-printed ones.....Quite the education I got in US currency...There also used to be a $500 bill and a $1,000 bill, both of which are still legal-tender, but no longer printed...

And this $2 bill problem is very common, people have been arrested many times for trying to pay using a $2 bill because the store employees/managers don't believe that they are "real" money, so they call the local police, and then the police officers that respond also don't realize that they are real, and they arrest the person thinking that they are printing or using "phony money", as the Treasury Department calls it...(Why the hell would you print $2 bills if you were going to counterfeit? Nothing like purposely drawing attention to your counterfeit money)...

They also said that they have the most problems by-far with the new $100 bills, and if you do a Google search about them, you'll find that people have all kinds of issues using the new $100 to pay for things at Walmart!!! All over the US, Walmart employees cut-up new $100 bills in front of the customer's face, they kick them out of the store, and they call the police and try to have them arrested for trying to use them to pay with...It's insane. I had no idea...I mean, they actually have the in-store Security/Loss-Prevention come out and CUFF/Restrain/Detain people who try to pay with a new $100 bill in the store, and while they're waiting for the Cops to show-up they keep the person cuffed and detained...It's just madness...

Good thing that they didn't send some rent-a-cop to come and cuff me while we waited for the PA State Police to show up, I would be talking to a lawyer right now if that had happened...


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2018
Full house
Why didn't the cop say 2 dollar bill was legal? Or did he not know either? You went through hours of ridiculous treatment! I would follow up! I might also try corporate again a be see if you can get ahold of a different person, they didn't seem like they were very willing to help you resolve this, or apologize for tiur treatment either!!!! My dad gave me a two dollar bill years ago, I ended up having to spend it in a tight spot myself, now I think I will get a couple new ones! And I will try Walmart too! I can't believe they called the cops on you!!! You can keep telling them the cashier was nice just confused, but the managers were booty wipes!!


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2018
Full house
Ps. I am almost fifty and yep those young uns lol. I'm glad I don't have to do training anymore, I actually attended a class on training , teaching, coaching them , because they were so difficult to deal with. I don't know if that's a trade secret , but never for any other generation! Many University professor were upset , because instead if lecture and students take notes, the professor were asked to lecture, abd provided lecture notes, as well as sample tests with the answeres!!!! Ok I'm too old...;)


Well-known member
Jul 12, 2012
1 BFA- Kiwi. Hatch circa 98', forever home with us Dec. 08'
I'd complain to corporate, not to get the $10back so much as to get that idiot manager chewed out by her superiors.

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