COVID-19 Virus


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2018
Isolated Holler in the Appalachian Wilderness
B&G Macaw, Galah, 5 cockatiels, 50 billion and a half budgies. We breed and do rescue. Too many to list each individual's name and age etc, but they are each individuals and loved dearly.
This is starting to get scary. No need to panic, but I hope you guys are taking this seriously and getting some emergency supplies just in case. Better to have and not need than to need and not have, or try to get when supplies run low.

We are going to town today to get supplies.. N95 masks, goggles, gloves, extra food for us and the animals.. again, not that we will be holing up and living off the supplies or anything, but just so we will have them in the horrible event that we might need them.

Incubation period up to 14 days, contageous within this period even without symptoms, fever not always a symptom(they are screening for the virus by checking people's temps), and cases reported in every habitated continent on the planet now. Scary stuff. Be safe. My thoughts are with Wuhan and all of China, especially because we have a sister in law in Shanghai(husband's brother's wife is Chinese).

It appears as though the Chinese government has kept with its history of downplaying and hiding viral outbreaks. Even the CDC is reporting now that China's official numbers simply do not make sense. Take care of yourselves and your fids.
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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2017
A crossover Quaker Scuti (F), A Sun conure named AC, A Cinnamon Green Cheek conure Kent, and 6 budgies, Scuti Jr. (f), yellow (m), clark Jr. (m), Dot (f), Zebra(f), Machine (m).
Re: Wuhan virus

I don't feel ashamed to admit I have some prep, not a bus buried in my backyard but I did buy some food 30 year buckets and have water, etc. I'm not building a bomb shelter; but virus, tornado, power outage etc. I make sure I have at least a month in coverage. (after that I will send my conures out as raptors to capture rabbits,...(it might work)...

If you don't want to go all out at least get some bulk ramen noodle packs for like 3 dollars a crate full.

Everyone has band aids in their medicine cabinet, how often do you need one.......wait nvm we are parrot owners.... lol....

You don't need a bug out bag; but get food, water, alternate heat, gas, etc. Even the CDC has/had a webpage for "zombie outbreak" in fun and in serious, just have some things on hand, like batteries and etc.

Also for a parrot owner keep your gas tank full, not for virus, but winter storm, your car is independent and can keep the cabin warm for days on very little fuel for a parrot. turning it off and on again.

The masks I wouldn't bother with, maybe for a super volcano, but even that's debunked more or less.

Anyways, a little prep is never a bad Idea. Just look at what is really an issue.


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2018
Full house
Re: Wuhan virus

I am totally with you on this!
I told my family at the very first news when they sent 100 CDC to airport.

Plus there was one news clip shown briefly and not t much made if it, but it showed someone walking through the the hospital. It showed at least ten people dead in hallway, left in place with numerous sick people! And this was when they said only ten dead total from the virus!!! Id say this is overwhelming numbers if the dead can't even be removed......

I stocked up already, I've urged faimly but they not worrying. I'm not saying this is going to be terrible for us. But I like to be cautious.

The things I see that make me nervous, the long incubation period, that it effecting the middle age, ( not young or extremely old) that death is caused later in the course of the disease from the immune system over responding. Which is classic for a novel from my math ( not that anyone has reported a % that I've seen) it is around 5% fatal. So if a million people had this disease that's 50,000 dead. That's scary to me!!! So I guess it comes down to how contagious it is


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2017
A crossover Quaker Scuti (F), A Sun conure named AC, A Cinnamon Green Cheek conure Kent, and 6 budgies, Scuti Jr. (f), yellow (m), clark Jr. (m), Dot (f), Zebra(f), Machine (m).
Re: Wuhan virus

I do have industrial masks, for ammonia and solvents etc. in my toolbox at work, if things start to go south I might start carrying them around in my man purse, lunchbag thing I take to work....but not worried as of yet unless something comes close....but.....Not to worried, I personally survived swine flu, Asian flu, bird flu, etc. It's good they are so focused on's the entire reason those agencies exist.


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2018
Full house
Re: Wuhan virus

I'd say I fall into homesteader category. I planted plum tree, blueberries, blackberries, elderberry ( can't eat those raw BTW) my land already had orange, grapefruit, pignut hickory, acorn trees, and a nut tree. This sort of stuff was standard practice up to and including my grandparents.

Then because if hurricanes here , I keep enough supplies for I'd say three months.

One thing I'd say has always been true. Mother nature has a way of controlling large populations. As humans we have overcome many if those population controls, but I'm not sure that will always be the case. ..


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2017
A crossover Quaker Scuti (F), A Sun conure named AC, A Cinnamon Green Cheek conure Kent, and 6 budgies, Scuti Jr. (f), yellow (m), clark Jr. (m), Dot (f), Zebra(f), Machine (m).
Re: Wuhan virus

Worst case senerio we get scott to fly us all to Antarctica and we just learn to eat penguin and walrus meat for the rest of our lives....which, not for nothing sounds interesting......


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Nov 22, 2015
Isle of Long, NY
Yellow Shoulder Amazon, Salty
Re: Wuhan virus

Good thing my company let me off my bi yearly trip to CHina. Now, no one wants to go, so it will be a lot of Skype meetings. What really is dangerous, this is the start of Chinese New Year and traditionally is THE most heavily traveled period in the world, as all Chinese people try to get back to visit families. bit more than 390 million people of the Chinese population is on the move during CNY, just by rail alone.


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2018
Full house
Re: Wuhan virus

The news was saying that hey 15 million have had the regular flu, with 8 thousand deaths. Now if my math is right that's less than half a percentage fatal. And those fatalities are children and elderly, and immune compromised. Still very terrible! And shows how serious these virus are. But it's not the same as (my calculations) of 5 % mortality based in numbers released on the Wuhan virus.

Weather channel just release expected cases to rise 190 thousand

"Videos circulating on Chinese social media show doctors straining to handle the enormous workload and hospital corridors loaded with patients, some of whom appear to be dead. Wuhan hospitals have posted messages online urgently appealing for medical equipment. The situation is even more desperate in nearby rural areas." From New York Times. I hope there is medical relief, from what I've read the medical system is over reachead even during normal times.
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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2018
Umbrella Cockatoo- 15? years old..I think?
Re: Wuhan virus

I think the bigger risk is mutation if the virus continues to circulate---Currently, I am not sure that deaths are any worse than standard infuenza---the issue is, they don't know what it could turn into if it keeps spreading....Maybe I am wrong, but that is my take.


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2018
Isolated Holler in the Appalachian Wilderness
B&G Macaw, Galah, 5 cockatiels, 50 billion and a half budgies. We breed and do rescue. Too many to list each individual's name and age etc, but they are each individuals and loved dearly.
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Re: Wuhan virus

I heard 15% fatal but even that seems low. Villages in china have self quarantined. We just got a heck of a lot of supplies and will get more.

Anyone else notice twitter hashtag #wuhan is no longer filled with wuhan-ites themselves posting? They have been totally silent 2 days now. China cut their internet I think. Out in town now, I'll post more when we get back to the farm.


Well-known member
Jan 2, 2018
Isolated Holler in the Appalachian Wilderness
B&G Macaw, Galah, 5 cockatiels, 50 billion and a half budgies. We breed and do rescue. Too many to list each individual's name and age etc, but they are each individuals and loved dearly.
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Re: Wuhan virus

Oh one more thing... if it comes to needing masks, make sure to have goggles too. It has been confirmed you can be infected through your eyes.


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2018
Full house
Re: Wuhan virus

I heard 15% fatal but even that seems low. Villages in china have self quarantined. We just got a heck of a lot of supplies and will get more.

Anyone else notice twitter hashtag #wuhan is no longer filled with wuhan-ites themselves posting? They have been totally silent 2 days now. China cut their internet I think. Out in town now, I'll post more when we get back to the farm.

I did the math from reported cases and reported death's, it was about 5%. But I'd heard that they are under reporting... At 5% it exceeds by far the less than half a oercent of deaths from other flu.

China always control their media, and the internet access. I'm glad to be in a less controlled county..


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2018
Umbrella Cockatoo- 15? years old..I think?
Re: Wuhan virus

But...2009 H1N1 flu pandemic: Between 8,870 and 18,300 deaths in the United States and up to 203,000 deaths worldwide specifically from H1N1
I know that is a year...but are we sure it is way higher? Don't get me wrong--it could increase etc, it just is confusing, as I imagine many people were infected without ever knowing they even had it. Then again, I suppose the same could be said of the normal flu, although it seems many people get tested for it these days. Personally, I have never been tested to find out if I have the flu...It always just seemed kind of obvious...Is that irresponsible?'s scary and gross. I don't know why people without symptoms are being allowed to travel with the dang thing has a 10-14 day incubation period and you are contagious before showing symptoms...

Just hoping that some of this might be a bit of hype (giving the internet's reach etc)..
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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2018
Full house
Re: Wuhan virus

I just went by percent of death by percent of infected. Not total numbers.
I've never gone to get tested with the flu before.... It I've never had the flu bad enough to go to the doc except last year after not getting better for a few months I went and by then was pneumoia, the doc just said some flu turns to bacteria secondary pneumonia and gave me antibiotics.

I can't find info of number of infected and number that died from H1N1 to get a percentage of mortality. But I did find this article that says they now believe the number that did die was much higher than they thought at the time... 10 times higher than they thought at the time in 2009
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Well-known member
Jul 11, 2018
Umbrella Cockatoo- 15? years old..I think?
Re: Wuhan virus

I just went by percent of death by percent of infected. Not total numbers.
I've never gone to get tested with the flu before.... It I've never had the flu bad enough to go to the doc except last year after not getting better for a few months I went and by then was pneumoia, the doc just said some flu turns to bacteria secondary pneumonia and gave me antibiotics.

I think I actually remember you talking about that---I had some crazy coughing-to-the-point-of-puking-nightly situation around the same time...I still think that I caught a weakened strain of whooping cough from a student who had been (unofficially) "whooping it up" for weeks--can't be made official if parents never test for it lol/face-palm (vaccines aren't 100% with that one and I seriously think that was my issue-despite having been vaccinated). I even wore a mask at to work a few days (although I was coughing most at night).

I have had flu where I think, "If I die, no one will know..." maybe 1x every 2-3 years. It always sucks, but I always can tell.
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Supporting Member
Jul 10, 2015
Western, Michigan
DYH Amazon
Re: Wuhan virus

Okay, Old Man's Version of what is happening!

- Is there a new Flu Virus running wild! No, it's an older one that has mutated and although a current vaccine is available for the base virus, it is not yet uparmered for this variant. Lead times are varying, but likely 2 - 5 weeks before volume is available as CDC does have current samples. NOTE: Emergency Care Staff will receive first - standard practice.
- Is China reporting accurately, NO! Their systems cannot keep up with a standard (whatever that is) flu season. They are likely several weeks (likely four or more) behind at the very least.
- The US has near ready to leave or already in the air an Aircraft to pull government staff and other Americas out.
- If you have a manufacturer or like investor group in China in your town or City, you likely have individuals that are in or have returned from China. Note, the rapid increase in the number of possible cases coming in this afternoon as recent returnees now in the US are reporting to Hospital or Clinics for evaluation.
- Where you live, your life style, and your ability to limit exposure to others, in general will define the level of concern and preparation you should consider. The larger the town /city you live in the earlier you should want to stock-up

- What should I have on hand. 1: Required medications you take every day!!! 2: Those items that you should commonly have for Server Weather, extended Power Loss, Local Chemical spill, type events. NOTE: What any Family or Individual Should Normally have on-hand, plus a little more. Not to be mean, but the basics should always be on-hand. Power grind failure is Common Place Today!
- Face masks: Based on CDC statements, this virus base does not require the maxed serious faces masks. That said, you must understand how to properly wear the standard face masks used for protection for a common flu (as above whatever that is). If you have or and great the higher quality face mask, but do not panic when you find that are not available!!! Most stores and online stores are already sold-out.
- What happening currently. Our News Media is far to busy being overly concerned about Washington and are barely reporting on this rapidly changing Flu Out-Break!
Anything out of China (as stated above is weeks behind) Triple their numbers may get you a bit closer to what is happening.
If you or someone you know has returned from China in the last four weeks they should be evaluated by they local medical group, regardless of how you feel. FYI: Your local Medical Group 'may not' be able to see or are not prepared to see you. But your should provide your Name, address and contact information. Any change in your health should be reported.
Tons more, but at this point, be aware of what is happening and if you have not restocked, at least stock the stuff that will keep you home for two up to three weeks if needed.

Think Safe and Be Safe Out There, As the Masses have yet to begin thinking about this in much if any detail!

Remember it's the Flu, and its an older base. North America and Western Europe will spin-up quicker, but there will still be a spin-up (preparation and activation) time.
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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2018
Full house
Re: Wuhan virus

Yeah we were all sick here lol and I kept complaining how I couldn't get better... I was sick every night but ok during day, kept thinking just viral, till I couldn't take it anymore lol !!! Then I was like dang I could have been better so much quicker with doctor care! I think Gale and Salty had the pneumonia at the same time , but they were worse.
The other problems is many countries don't have the ability to testing, or can't keep up with testing, plus they don't hav as good of reporting systems, populations hac mess access to health care ECT...
What I noticed today us now that that economics are effected like the Dow, they are speaking less about the flu on the news, and saying no worries.....


Well-known member
Jul 11, 2018
Umbrella Cockatoo- 15? years old..I think?
Re: Wuhan virus

yeah because they don't want a crash in the midst of everything else.


Supporting Member
Jul 10, 2015
Western, Michigan
DYH Amazon
Re: Wuhan virus

Yeah we were all sick here lol and I kept complaining how I couldn't get better... I was sick every night but ok during day, kept thinking just viral, till I couldn't take it anymore lol !!! Then I was like dang I could have been better so much quicker with doctor care! I think Gale and Salty had the pneumonia at the same time , but they were worse.
The other problems is many countries don't have the ability to testing, or can't keep up with testing, plus they don't hav as good of reporting systems, populations hac mess access to health care ECT...
What I noticed today us now that that economics are effected like the Dow, they are speaking less about the flu on the news, and saying no worries.....

Great point and I highly recommend watching the DOW regarding this Flu as the DOW attempts to measure what is going to happen! The News is more what happened, so it follows!

If this becomes really crazy, I expect the DOW to plunge on the leading edge. WHY? A (not saying this is going to happen) major, fast running, full break-out Flu virus will result in first a near stop in international travel especially aircraft, Second a major run on supplies - Possible Worldwide, A stop in Nationwide travel by first aircraft followed quickly by all forms of mass transit and then Automobiles. Which all results in a vast drop in fuel usage. For the DOW this all defines huge losses in Corporate Profits and the following is the falling vault in Stock Prices.

Once Again, it is very early and the Masses Spock easy, so get what you need and keep out of the way...
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