Bird seed Freshness


New member
Nov 15, 2017
I was wandering if I should start to keep my parrot foods in the fridge?Ive been reading up on it and it is supposed to keep it much fresher and prevent rotting, molding, etc. I am planning on buying harrisons high potency, superfine pelleted diet as well as Dr. Harvey's Our Best Blend Natural Food for Parakeets, and Dr. Harvey's Colossal Blend Natural Food for Cockatiels later on today. I am only concerned since they aren't processed or anything, I am worried about the whole rotting or going "stale" issue. I will probably choose to keep it in the fridge even if it isn't necessary so I wont get too paranoid but I thought I'd come on and ask since I have seen that many people recommend refrigerating parrot foods.
Thanks in advance! :)


Supporting Member
Jul 10, 2015
Western, Michigan
DYH Amazon
The process is very straight forward:

Buy in reasonable amounts that as a total can be fully used in not longer than six months. We commonly buy three to four times any given year.

Next, package in sizes that can be used within one week groups.

Date each Package and freeze them all!

Remove one package and place it in the fridge! Use it to provide the needs for each day.

NOTE: Always Freeze for at least 30 days prior to first use out of that group!


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