Advice on potential new bird companion going forward


New member
May 13, 2019
Gloucestershire, England
Hiya! Firstly, sorry if this is under the wrong subforum. Quite literally only just arrived here when looking for somewhere to ask this.

So, for a bit of backstory - I used to have a Grey. Raised him from 10 weeks old until he was 3 1/2. Unfortunately, I was met with some extremely awkward living circumstances meaning it was borderline selfish for me to keep him under my wing (pun may or may not be intended), so passed him on to someone new to ensure he got the stable life he deserves.

My life is gradually getting where I want it to be, and the idea of an avian companion still very much appeals. However, although I am in a stable position - my general life circumstances have changed quite significantly. The two key points being

- I'm working full time once again (around 50, sometimes 60, hours per week)
- living alone without any one local I could rely on for day-to-day check ins on the bird.

So, the bird would get nowhere near the social time I used to be able to provide my Grey - and I know how much that will detriment many birds.

In other words, I'm looking for suggestions of birds that require less interaction to be happy. Whether that be birds who are happy in social pairs / groups or ones that are just generally less social, I'm open to suggestions.

Money and noise are no concern. Nor am I fussed on whether they can mimick well etc. I merely seek avian companionship once more and the last thing I want to do is put one in a home that cannot support its needs.

Worth noting I will be taking a few weeks off to help them settle in come the time and will have an outdoor aviary for the time I am out if the house. I also live in the UK, if that happens to make a difference.

Well, thanks for reading my holy wall o' text.

Looking forward to meeting you guys.


New member
Apr 13, 2019
Ottawa, ON
Luna // F // Whiteface Pearl Cockatiel
Welcome to the forums Ottos! I'm really glad you're taking the time to do your research for the sake of the animal.

The answer to this really depends on what you mean by avian companionship. What are you looking for in a relationship with this bird? Are you looking to be able to have a buddy to hang out? Alternatively, are you happy to just watch the bird?

Depending on your answer it can be a double edged sword. You could get a bonded pair, but then they might not want to do anything with you. There's also the possibility one gets along with you, then the other gets extremely jealous and hates you.

The outdoor aviary sounds lovely though and there are many birds that will do well in that setting. With my limited experience, I know that finches and cockatiels seem to do well in groups. You will have to be careful of mating behavior still which might be harder to manage in a larger group even with same sex pairs.

More people with much more experience than I do will chime in soon!


Supporting Member
Jul 10, 2015
Western, Michigan
DYH Amazon
Great advise provided above and well worth thinking about.

In addition, it may benefit you to take a couple of years to develop savings that will assure that if life comes around for a second reality hit, you will have the savings to hold you over until you find yourself stable again. It will also provide you time to determine with greater clarity your available time. It can be surprising how much your personal life can still be in flux regarding your available time. The last thing you would want is to be in the same position as before.


New member
May 13, 2019
Gloucestershire, England
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Thanks Munami!

And yes, probably ought to have mentioned that in my post, but oh well - I'd like to be able to get a social bird that likes being handled, interacting etc.

However, you do bring up a very good few points I forgot to consider. After all, I'm asking quite a bit when you think about it; a social bird that can cope with far less socialising. And as you say, if I am to get can entail quite the difficulties with relationships.

Nonetheless, even though I didn't consider your exact points until now; I was aware it would probably have to be something like Finches. Which, I'd be quite happy with really.

But yes! I had a great outdoor aviary for my Grey whenever I was out at work and it was suitable weather. He loved it and would definitely be building a new one come the time I adopt a bird(s).

Your input is very much appreciated, thanks!

- - -

It's worth clarifying SailBoat, that when I talk about this - I'm figuring in 18 months absolute minimum. I've very much considered all that jazz, and am definitely aware of how much things can change. But of course appreciate the input!

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