cherry-headed conure

  1. WannaBeAParrot

    Cherry-Headed (Red-Masked) Conure - Any active forum members?

    It's so weird -- I've read on the internet that Cherry-heads are fairly common as pet birds. I have to disagree because I haven't seen more than a handful of folks on forums living with one or talking about them and rarely see them in shops. If you know of a parrot forum that has alot of...
  2. WannaBeAParrot

    Photo of Pritti and Grandma Getting Chummy

    So, my mom is finally starting to "get it" about sharing a home and life with a parrot. She's kown him for decades, but never quite understood that he has a full personality and is so funny and independent - regardless of any stories I may have told her. Now that he's been staying in her house...
  3. WannaBeAParrot

    Our 1200 mile trip, incl. Going Through Security With a Bird.

    A few weeks ago I was writing asking for advice about whether to take Pritti or board him. He did great in the airport, security, one the plane and car rides. Jet Blue was amazing, and the airport staff was very accommodating. Security was interesting, when I got to the first security person...
  4. WannaBeAParrot

    How long to get used to a new toy?

    For as long as I can remember, Pritti will not voluntarily approach or play with a new toy for a good 3 weeks. Around then, he'll usually start getting near it and "test" it. Then, if he likes it after a couple days of that, he'll start playing with it. But he seems to get pretty board with...
  5. WannaBeAParrot

    To Cover or Not To Cover Cage? That is the question.

    Hello folks. My cherry-headed conure, Pritti, is 30 years old. My ex has brought him home 30 years ago when he was a baby at the pet store. I have been his mom for 20 years. He lives with just me now in the same house and cage we've been in for a long time. Here's my question. Should he be...