
  1. ElleRich

    Greetings From Tennessee

    Hello Everyone, I stumbled upon this forum in a search engine. This will a huge value to me by meeting new friends and gaining members' experiences and education. I purchased Eli, my African Grey Timneh,:grey: in July, 2012 after a long search for a great breeder. Eli's hatch date is June 7...
  2. Eli's Arrival At The Nashville Airport

    Eli's Arrival At The Nashville Airport

    Very happy to finally get Eli, my baby Timneh who flew in from Austin, TX to Nashville, TN on 9/21/12.
  3. Eli, 12 Weeks Old

    Eli, 12 Weeks Old

    Eli, 12 weeks old in a picture sent by his breeder Shirley Lawhorn, Bignest Aviary, Shiner, Texas
  4. Eli, 8 Weeks Old

    Eli, 8 Weeks Old

    A picture sent by Eli's breeder, Shirley Lawhorn, Bignest Aviary,in Shiner, Texas.