
  1. Rico_Tiel

    the difference clipping can make on a bird.

    when I got my bird, the pet store had him clipped as most do. he was quiet, sad, uninterested in toys, unwilling to try or do anything, ate way less than he does now, chewed and barbered feathers, over preened them, plucked them out mildly (around the wrist area on the wing, near his crop, and...
  2. MizzChiChi

    New to the Forum-Catalina Macaw

    Hello I just joined forum! I currently have 2 Parakeets and a 4month old Catalina Macaw named JayJay. My flock is small so far but I love my babies all are spoiled! I’m a big believer in the Engaged not caged. My birds are out all day and only go back in cage for bed time. I’m currently working...