
  1. WannaBeAParrot

    Help. I think Pritti just had a seizure.

    I'm totally unsure if he just had a seizure or got spooked by nothing I could notice. He was resting, falling asleep this evening on my chest while I was scratching his head and watching tv in dim light. All of a sudden he fluttered his wings and ran up toward my head and stopped when he got...
  2. WannaBeAParrot

    Your advice please: Giving antibiotic injections to fid.

    Respiratory tract positive for klebsiella bacteria. My choices: -10 days of injections, once a day in chest muscle. or -21 days of oral, twice per day, hidden in a dab of pudding or jam or something he'll gobble up. The injections are more effective. But, I would have to towel Pritti once a...