meyers parrot

  1. K

    First Parrot Help - 6 mo Meyers (F)

    Hello, My fianc? and I recently adopted a Female Meyers parrot (Kiwi). When we got her, she was 5 months old and the breeder said she was hand fed. This is my first experience with a bird, but my fianc? grew up taking care of two orange winged Amazons. They were rescued from a negligent breeder...
  2. K

    My meyers parrot (30+) bites now, ne never did 10 years ago.

    So my mom has a Meyers parrot between then age of 30 and 35 and an African Grey around the age of 20-25. Both are rescued and both picked up from the same bird owner at the same time because we were told "they are best friends" and we didn't want to break that up. If we take Roz (the Grey)...
  3. S

    Tips for getting a Meyers

    I can't figure out how to delete this please just ignore me
  4. A

    Meyers- Male vs female temperament

    Hi there. I've done a stack of research. And I'm thinking a Meyers is a good little package for me. Good amount of cuddles/low noise/ not one person bird/ laid back etc I am a female. And I'm wondering if there is much difference between male and female Meyers? Any recommendations? I have a 2yo...
  5. A

    Meyers Parrot- Male vs Female?

    Hi there, I have done Infinite amount of research on Meyers parrot and have decided they are the one for me. Good amount of cuddles/low noise/ not one person bird/ laid back etc I am a female. And I'm wondering if there is much difference between male and female Meyers? Any recommendations? I...
  6. F

    Introducing our flock of 3 parrots <3

    Hello!!! We've been long-time lurkers of this forum. Without it, we wouldn't be the parrot parents (what a tongue twister) that we are today! African grey Bella, Meyers parrot Lemon, and Happy the green cheek conure are our pride and joy. It would mean a lot to us if you could visit and...
  7. K

    parrot loves cat toys

    my meyers likes to play with cat toys sometimes when she decides to steal them form my cat, but she likes to play with the ones with feathers, is this ok? or can it lead to plucking? she likes to preen them and sometimes she'll go maniac on them lol
  8. K

    Broken Flight feathers

    Hello so my meyers, dotty, has had her wings clipped since ive gotten her and her wings are starting to grow back (yay!). but there is one problem: before i made a post about this awhile ago and it turned out she broke a flight feather. she was fine and actually didnt even bleed or anything...
  9. K

    Meyer's parrot wings coming back!

    Hello all! so my little meyers wings are growing back after about a year and im planning to keep her flighted, my question is : is it normal for the feathers to cause discomfort when they are not all grown back yet? what i mean is when ever my dotty falls or trys to fly down she frantically...
  10. Originalvim

    Help With Meyer...

    Hi, I have a ten month old meyer. He seems very loud in comparison to what i have heard about the species. Some of his squawks are understandable such as his barks for attention in the mornings but he also sometimes screams quite loudly when me and my partner are with him, he'll fly around...
  11. J

    Meyers Parrot coming home soon!

    Hello Everyone, So glad I found this site. I will be bringing home a young beautiful and sweet Meyers Parrot soon. I hope to have many enlightening and entertaining conversations with all of you. Thank you. jakibros