
  1. stand.jpg


    bird playgym, stand
  2. U

    Freedom to the parrots!

    So I had an idea to make a playgym for Tihan and get rid of the cage. I've cut a piece of grape tree and asked my dad to do something with it. Tihan hates my father and each time he sees him, he's making funny noises and bites the closes human. My parrot was mad like a dragon while my father...
  3. H

    Bird playgym

    I'm looking to buy a playgym for my green cheek conure I was wondering if any body has ever ordered from bird gyms R US ??
  4. Squirt

    Playgym on a budget (Funtime Birdy)

    I really like the design of this playgym. Does anyone have any experience with the products from Funtime Birdy? I have a Sun Conure and I think this is a great design and I like the price. This is my first bird so I may be overlooking things or not know what I am talking about. :) Your...
  5. WannaBeAParrot

    Is this a safe playgym/playstand? Show me yours.

    What do you think of this playgym from an online birdstore that lots of folks recommend (see link under photo)? Does anyone have it? My main concern is the metal hardware. The nice folks at the store got the materials info from makers, but it didn't help me at all, because I don't know if...