wild caught

  1. Amayaluna

    Wild-caught Mealy Amazon Izzy

    Hi guys, Updates I posted about Izzy a while ago, he/she is a wild-caught mealy amazon that we rescued. It's been 6 months since we adopted him. The last time, we had issues like him constantly flying into things. He's gotten much better at flying in the house, also has been exploring the area...
  2. Nicole07


    As many of you know, I rehomed a CAG in May. I have really begun wondering about Zoey's anklet. He is 29 according to his previous owners. He has a closed silver anklet, and the top rim that I can see is strangely blue. All I can make out on it is "BS3" and further down is "22." Does anyone know...
  3. Roxy_9_2011

    Is it possible any more to find bird's import year?

    I have recently come into ownership of a wild caught Amazon. (In reality he owns me) He still has his government band. I have tried on my own to find out the year he was imported and so has my Avian vet. Both of us found nothing. This Amazon was surrendered and there is very little and sketchy...
  4. mcmalott

    Open Leg Band - need help knowing what it means

    I am my Yellow Naped Amazons 4th owner that I know of....how sad but I am his Forever home and have made plans for him with my son if something were to happen to my husband and me! He has an open band - CCJ 8807 - I have researched and am sure he was wild caught and know that the first letter...