Aspergillus; please help !?!


New member
Feb 23, 2014
My little rainbow, Green Bean, has been sick for some time with off and on symptoms of distress. After weeks of vet visits, testing, etc, we now have an Aspergillus diagnosis from the vet (avian specialist vet.)

They have confirmed the blood test and X-rays reveal the "air sacks are not allowing adequate emptying" along with a small granualanoma (spelling?) on her trachea.

Difficulty begins with me currently working out of town and not hearing the exact wording reported to my wife from the vet / vet techs. However; I did speak with the tech and above is what I got.

Treatment plans includes an aggressive series of antifungals / antibiotics and the wife also purchased the nebulizer and began neb treatments this afternoon. Neb treatments required twice daily with Abuteryol (again, spelling?)

While I am happy we finally (finally) have a diagnosis and a plan; I am wondering on the prognosis of treatment and the hope that my little Green Bean may recover fully from this.

I do know the treatment will likely require 3-4 months with routine blood work monitoring to verify improvement. Cost has been astronomical !!! We've spent well over $1500 now and that's not including soft costs of drives to the vet, meds, etc. I'll do anything I can for her; I just hope and PRAY this will help my little bird recover.

Anyone have any encouraging thoughts or experiences to share? Please, don't be rude and tell me, "sorry dude, your bird is gonna die" type answers. I realize this is a reality; but I also have read that birds can recover. I know these experiences will vary, and I know often times, birds do die.

It's just so strange how one day she's just fine and behaving her crazy self and one day she shows signs of distress. She does this 'yawning and stretching' thing, which the vet indicates is her way of trying to get a good breath from time to time. But again; most of the time, she's acting her silly self and playful as can be.

With a mouthful said; what are your thoughts and / or experiences with Aspergillus treatments ??? Any fruits or veggies you might encourage to help offer better improvements in her immune system? We feed apple/pear/mango baby food (organic) mixed with nectar powder and water... she seems to like this. Also feed pellet diet and she absolutely LOVES apples !!! ;)

Thank you for your thoughts!


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