
  1. Rico_Tiel

    Good night from Alaska!

    It is 9:40 PM as of the time I type this. Rico isn’t too happy about his bedtime but oh well, he needs sleep. Rico and I wish you all some good sleep and your birbs some good seeb! Goodnight everyone!
  2. I

    So it begins...

    I think I'm calling it. Kermit is hitting puberty. She'll be 2 sometime in May. This last week, she's been a proper teenager. I've been not coming home a few nights because of finals week at school, but my parents have been taking care of her for me. Still, this evidently upset her, and she's...
  3. KiwiDaConure97

    Hyper Baby Conure

    Hello, so I have a 5 month old baby Green Cheek Conure and he is very hyper. Sometimes I hear him at 10:00 at night playing in the dark and running around, I was just curious if there is any way that I can calm him down before bedtime? I am afraid he isn't getting enough sleep and making him...
  4. F

    Concern for a roommates parrot

    Hi there! I'm writing not as a parrot owner but as an animal lover. My friend's roommate has had his parrot for over a decade. They are quite bonded of course at this point but I've become rather concerned for how the parrot is taken care of. For a short summary it seems the parrot isn't getting...