beginner bird

  1. Si429

    New bird, who dis?

    Hi everyone! My name is Stephanie and I joined this group because a red-lored parrot came into my life. Prepare for a bit of a story as I am 100% new to everything bird and have scoured the internet for answers, tips, articles and more. Apparently this bird has been with my father's family (with...
  2. C

    Reputable breeders?

    Hi all, Me and the fam are looking at getting a cockatiel. We’re still in the preparation phase right now and have been lurking on a lot of your beginner posts. What prompted me to finally post is wondering how to find a reputable breeder? It hasn’t been as easy as I would have thought. We...
  3. JozieBear

    Macaw info

    I've never had a bird to be real I've done so much researching on macaws and they're needs and care I've been told that I should go for a Green Cheek Conure for a " beginners " bird Im home 24/7 or I'm outside gardening with my dogs yes I have dog's I have 4 I adore them but I really like to get...
  4. L

    Pionus as a first bird

    Hello! My name is Louise, and I’m thinking about getting a bird. I’ve never owned a bird before, but I have done many months of research and I’ve narrowed my choices down to three species: a ring neck, a cockatiel, or a Pionus. Of these three, the Pionus are definitely my favorites, but I want...
  5. M

    Class Pet

    Hello everyone! So I was just thinking about this question as I was out today. I am going to school to be an elementary teacher for kindergarten to 2nd grade. I am very educated in birds as it is my current job but I always have questions. My question today is class pet? Now I know birds are...
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