bird accessories

  1. unburiedpup

    What kind of toys should I get?

    I cleaned and organized Aristotle’s cage today since I had no school, but I was wondering; what kinda of toys should I get for him? After all, his cage is mainly perches. (Also, I am going to buy him a bigger cage, but for now he is still using the cage that his previous owner gave to me.)...
  2. oliver_is_the_best_birb

    Should I get an air purifier?

    I have a limit of 98$ to spend on bird things (Yes, I have to make myself a limit) in this month. So, I can either spend it all now on a new air purifier or borrow one from a friend, and still have money for toys. Now, I know that sounds dumb because I can just take it from my friend, but...
  3. T

    Parrot and Bird Supplies

    If you are looking for a new cage or aviary for your parrot, check out You'll find everything there that you need for your parrot, including aviaries and cages, basking lamps and misters. Of course, if you love other kinds of birds, you'll find wild bird seed, bird baths...
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