
  1. S

    Budgies and kitten

    I am getting a kitten next week, and I already have two budgies. The budgies are in their cage most of the day downstairs in the living room, the living room doesn't have a door, it's very open. When I let them out for exercise, we go upstairs in my room, because the living room has too many...
  2. AmyMyBlueFront

    A sad day...

    ....David's gert (cat) Missy had to be put to sleep yesterday :(. She was sixteen years young and in recent months started to go down hill. She started to up-chuck a lot. David took her to her doc a few times for a physical and blood work and was told she had thyroid and kidney issues and was...
  3. lunyluna

    Can cats and macaws coexist?

    Can cats and macaws coexist? Help please!! Hello everyone, this is my first post! I have a rescue Scarlet Macaw named Luna. I got her a little over a year ago, and we're doing great. I'm 20 years old and living in an apartment in my college town, and somehow making it work with a scarlet!! Luna...
  4. S

    Looking into adopting large parrot...but I have cats.

    Hi everyone, I know that I may get flamed, but please try to go easy on me. I'm brand new here and looking for some constructive advice. Over the last few years, I have been researching parrot ownership and recently began visiting a local parrot rescue. I am very interested in adopting a...
  5. dhraiden

    💩 🐱Deterring outside cats using yard as litterbox?

    Just curious if any active forum-goers have any experience with successfully keeping errant felines from pooping in their yard? My SO laid down prickly mats I purchased online (they're not injurious) to dissuade them from certain areas where vegetables and herbs and flowers are grown. But I...
  6. FrancisMom

    Training out attack behavior

    I need advice either from someone who has dealt with this successfully or "all y'all" brainstorming about how to do this. It's an old story: I have Francie, the U2, as well as two cats. The cats were raised by me and don't even know that a bird is prey. They're scared to death of Francie...
  7. kozykitty

    Cat-proof cage for Amazon

    I am adopting a 30 year old BFA. She comes with a cage on a stand that isn't very big. I'd like to get her a larger cage--not huge--but something that would be good around our 3 cats. My thinking is that I would need one that is on a stand and has seed guards so the cats could not reach it...
  8. kozykitty

    Introducing BFA to cats

    I've browsed a bit and haven't seen this topic so I hope I'm not duplicating. Please move this thread if necessary! Anyway--I mentioned in another thread that I will be adopting a 30 year old BFA. She will be an only bird. We have 3 indoor cats--two very mellow males and one young female who...
  9. V

    New kitten, bird safety advice needed!!!

    Hello! I would appreciate it if someone could give me advice on how they keep their parrots safe from their cat! Sorry if this is too long~ I have a Sun Conure: Mochi, a ragdoll: Cody, and a newly rescued kitten: Nimbus. Mochi and Cody got along completely fine. Cody has had no interest in him...
  10. veimar

    Can cats/dogs coexist with parrots?

    This is not a new topic, but there is only very general information online. :confused: I also read a horrible heartbreaking story about Verde on this forum... ;( But I still want to know from you guys on this forum who have dogs and cats. I have a green cheek and two male ratties (I wouldn't be...
  11. G


    I am a cat owner. I have 2 Devon Rex cats, 1.5 yr and 1 yr. I am thinking about introducing a cockatiel to my clan and want advice... I have seen many vids on youtube where they are playing and companions free in the environment. I want to hear any advice and experiences please. Know this...
  12. S


    I only have one room in which to accommodate my cats' litter boxes (so that the dogs don't have access to them) and a large cage for my parrot. Does anyone else have litter boxes in the same room w/their bird? I worry about dust/odor hurting the bird. One litter box is contained in a wooden...
  13. B

    Hello, I am an excited new member

    Hi, My name is Chasity and I am new to this forum.. I am so excited to get involved with people who love there babies as much as I do.. I have 4 amazing Children and well 5 wonderful non human children as well.. I have an African Grey T. I rescued her about 2years ago.. :grey: I also have...
  14. UrbanLegend711

    Urban menagerie

    I have quite a few pets, many of them are rescues, as my fiance and I both love all animals and can't stand to see anything suffer if we can help it. I figured I would share with you guys some pictures of my non-feathered friends, as I just updated my Photobucket and am in a picture- posting...
  15. ann

    Not again

    hey everyone. Today or tomorrow I'm going to put my cat Number 5 to sleep :( (we call him Number 5 because he was the 5th of the litter we caught, it is his real name, he is not a number to us that's just what we call him, he is beloved family member). He has a severe urinary blockage and he...