
  1. BeoBean

    Groomers clipped my bird when I told them not to

    I had hoped my first post here would be a happier one, but I just really need to vent right now. So I have this sweet little crimson bellied conure named Beo. He’s my first bird and I love him to bits. When I got him back in December his wings were already clipped. I didn’t mind this since it...
  2. fiddlejen

    To Clip or... To Clip... that is the question

    So my non-tame baby budgie birdies are starting to get some significant lift. They came from the petstore, at the end of January, entirely unable to fly. I have worked with them following various advice, and they will consent to stand on my fingers once out of their cage. I think they know their...
  3. S

    Breeder uses single wing clip open to debate

    Hi all, Recently bought an Eclectus parrot from a breeder who gave him a "brutal" single wing clip. My boy eventually fractured his sternum. I was quite upset about this and sent a txt to the breeder, but incredibly she stands by the clip claiming "its the safest way". Apparently she is more...
  4. K

    New owner questions!

    Hey there, After enjoying our green cheek conure for the last few years, we had been looking into adopting something bigger. Friends that manage a parrot hotel gave us the opportunity to adopt a 3yo eclectus named Jos, who's previous owner was moving and sadly couldn't take the bird with him...
  5. lorika

    (Can I) clip his wings (myself)?

    Hi everyone! My lorikeet has been clipped shortly after he started flying. We did some basic training with him before we clipped him, like flying downwards and flying towards us, but he was still VERY young and not a very good flyer, so we decided to clip him just to make sure he wouldn't fly...
  6. Roanoke

    Will he ever fly well again?

    I love the idea of having a fully-flighted bird who will go from room to room as he pleases, and makes his own choices of which station he wants to sit on. Not only would it be good for Teeko physically, but I believe it would really develop him mentally as well. However, he is not fully...
  7. P

    Still having parakeet problems + nail clipping

    Hello, everyone! I have posted here a few times before about my seemingly "untrainable" parakeet, Kiko. The story (again) is that I bought him back in April 2011, three years ago. Before I had gotten him, I did all of the research (which is the only reason my mom let me get him). I had books...
  8. rxbrnnn

    Tail feather backwards?

    So i was trimming my baby's wings yesterday (i do clip myself and i was just trimming, he was clipped when i bought him at 10 wks and i've done a full "haircut" once at about 12 weeks - i live in a VERY small nyc apartment and feel more comfortable keeping him clipped especially since he loves...
  9. RioJPMP

    Clipped my little Rio's Wings :/

    I know everyone has different opinions about keeping a parrot clipped or not. I was faced with a dilemma as I am in the middle of a move that was not planned for. I didn't want to board my parrot as the last time I did he was really upset with me for days and I was not happy with the way they...
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