cockatiel chick help

  1. Luna Kamel

    What is my parrot's gender and age?

    Hello, I've been really interested in buying a cockatiel because of how gentle of a friend they can be. I was offered this one, the seller told me they don't know their gender, also added that they're around 6 months old. I really want a male cockatiel, I was told they're more likely to sing...
  2. P

    Baby cockatiel lost voice

    Hi everyone, I just got a cockatiel two weeks ago and yesterday, he started losing his voice and today morning he is unable to make any sound. I'm new to having a bird as pet. I am taking him to vet this afternoon. He is very active , he is eating normally, he looks fine except for his voice. Is...
  3. R

    Cockatiel Chick Problems?

    Hello, I am relatively new to cockatiel chick raising and currently have three chicks who are at least 1 week old. I previously had 5, but 2 had unfortunately passed away in the nest. I didn't know at the time that it was important to clean out the nest, as I was under the impression that you...
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