cockatiel chicks

  1. V

    I need help in figuring out which bird should i get.

    Hi guys, I am new on this forum And I am thinking of getting either a sun conure or cockatiel. And I am not very sure if I should get hand feeding chicks or hand tamed ones. As the places I have been to are recommending different things. Like one guy is saying you should not get hand feeding...
  2. Mr_Strange

    What can I Hand-Feed my Cockatiels?

    What can I Hand-Feed my Baby Cockatiels? Hello guys, :rainbow1: Please I need to know what can I Hand-Feed my Baby Cockatiels, Can I prepare a formula at home (a natural one) using grains, beans ...etc instead of the hand-feeding Commercial Formulas like Nutribird A18-A19-A21, Exact, Kiki...
  3. C

    Why does my cockatiel male keep trying to feed(?) a baby that's not his?

    Does the question make sense? I've adopted an adult male cockatiel (Miu), he's very sweet and tame. We've had him for a few years now. Recently my mom brought home a 3 week old cockatiel chick, Miu is very interested and always observes me feeding the baby. Whenever he gets close to the...
  4. R

    Cockatiel Chick Problems?

    Hello, I am relatively new to cockatiel chick raising and currently have three chicks who are at least 1 week old. I previously had 5, but 2 had unfortunately passed away in the nest. I didn't know at the time that it was important to clean out the nest, as I was under the impression that you...
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