So I'm looking for advice for the future with my green cheek conure, Haku. For some background, he is my ESA in college and as such lives in a dorm room with me and my roommate. Because we both are in the same room and are considered "homebodies", one/both of us are in the room all the time. As...
Hello! I am currently a high school senior who hopes to move out and go to college within this year (the university is in the same city). My mom has never let me have a pet bird, she thinks they smell and are quite messy (which I can understand), if everything works out right, I'll rent my...
Hi there!
I was wondering if anyone had experience with having to leave their parakeets behind for vacation matters.
I am currently a college student, and I plan from moving from where I live now, Hawai'i, to Oregon to transfer into a zoology degree.
I also have 2 parakeets, their names are...
Hi all,
I'm new to this forum and don't have a bird (yet). I've fallen in love with the GCC species but am currently gathering information on whether or not I would be a good caretaker.
My beloved budgie Jack Frost recently passed. He was only 4, far too young for the little fella to pass...