color mutations

  1. I

    Indian ringneck baby

    Hi everyone, I'm new here, and am a new bird owner, Eli has only been with me for 2 weeks now and is 11 weeks of age. He's starting to come out of his shell a bit more now, and is starting to explore around 🙂 now my question is, do you guys think his head will go white, blue or stay a...
  2. kisamisa

    conure breeding genetics question

    i've decided to deep dive into conure breeding after producing some normals & pineapples, and i had some questions regarding the colours certain pairings can throw at the moment i have a dilute ys male x cinnamon turquoise sf violet female pairing. from my understanding, this pair can only...
  3. Novathekeet23

    Looking for pictures and information regarding hybrids and color mutations!

    Bird genetics are fascinating to me, and i'm currently making myself a little reference of different avian hybrids and color variations/mutations. If anyone has any information or websites that have information, i'd be very grateful!
  4. P

    What color is he?

    I adopted this male recently and his previous owners said his color is called “placid” and that they think he is an albino. I’m suspicious though, because he does have a slight ring. In certain lighting he also has a blue tint to his feathers, but in general he just looks white to me. So I’m...
  5. R

    Help identifying sex of new budgie, and color mutation if possible.

    I'm looking for help with the grey bird (Stormy) in the following pictures, it is full flighted and was not hand tame at all so it bumped its nose a bit on walls before it found its cage, visited vet and bird is completely fine aside from the bruises and scraped up cere, I waited a week for the...
  6. FlyingTorchy

    Male and female budgie in same cage?(Also rainbow parakeet?)

    I was wondering if I could keep a male and female budgie in the same cage without breeding. I've been looking for a cage mate for my little Caso and I completely fell in love with a little male in my facebook group that's up for sale. He looks to be a rainbow with a bright blue belly, yellow...