
  1. 4 way borbs

    share some memes!

    share your meme's! heres are mines
  2. F

    Hooded Crow Care: keeping One of the World's Most Intelligent Birds

    While the term “most intelligent” will be questioned by some parrot owners, a lifetime of working with birds in zoos and at home leaves me in favor of granting several Corvids (crows, ravens, jays and their relatives) that honor…no disrespect to the amazing abilities of other birds! My...
  3. WannaBeAParrot

    Safety Question: Is he safe from hawks and crows while on shoulder outdoors?

    There are all kinds of critters flying and funning around where we are vacationing in rural upstate New York mountains -- lots of black crows and, I imagine, hawks, owls, etc. If Pritti is on my shoulder, should I consider him he safe from a predatory bird swooping down to get him off me. Do...