
  1. Strangebird

    Is an alex being this needy and demanding normal?

    My close to 5 months Alexandrine is getting a bit too demanding lately. Since I work at home and rarely leave - and spend almost all my time in the same room as him, and make sure to entertain him whenever he wants me to - he got a little too... needy. First off, he's gotten into the habit of...
  2. K

    Constant Calling and Squawking

    Hi there, I have a 4 year old female parakeet. This is my first female, I've always had males before this. No matter how much attention I give her she is not happy the second I stop playing with her and that will continue on until I'm back giving her attention. I could be two feet away doing a...
  3. cottonut30

    Super Attached, Attention-Demanding Sun Conure

    My 5 yr old sun conure, Mojo, always wants my undivided attention. With other people that she likes, she is mostly content to just cuddle or sit with them and groom herself. But whenever I have her out of her cage, she always wants me to be actively scratching/petting her, taking her outside...
  4. T

    Help please! My conure is too demanding

    Hi my bird's name is Tricksy. Funny i accidentally called my username Tricky.. which is fitting as he is... and i need help with his little psycho bird brain. You see, i believe he gets plenty of attention. I take him out (which he loves!) As much as i can. To the parks, beach shopping, even...
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