eclectus help needed

  1. cytherian

    Baby Eclectus preening... how long until "mastery?"

    We had the wonderful gift of being able to see a baby Eclectus born and nurtured by its parents. To see it growing up from a hatchling has been quite amazing. The male Eclectus does really well with his preening. He takes great care of his feathers. Aside from periods when he's molting, his...
  2. M

    My Eclectus are driving me crazy, please help!

    Hi everybody I'm new here and joined in a very desperate state. I live in a house with 2 cats and 1 African Grey and a pair of Eclectus. My pair of Eclectus is now 1.8 years old. And I've had them for almost 1 year and 4 months. Having raised a baby African Grey, I was very patient in my...
  3. D

    what sub species do i have?

    I picked up KoKo last night he is so sexy. I was hope someone can help with identify his sub species. He has a 1 inch yellow strip at the bottom of his tail and yellow under wings. Also the red collar I have not seen before. Thanks in advance. :green1:
  4. C

    Introducing Marley - and a few questions!

    Hello everyone! I wanted to give you an update on Marley. He is home! We got to bring him home Saturday night. My husband and I are beyond ecstatic and have fallen in love with the little guy! So a few things, just a heads up, this post may be long 😆. Marley came home with Goldenfeast...
  5. C

    Eclectus & Allergies

    Hey all - Im new to this community, but my husband and I are doing research in to whether an Elcectus Parrot might be a good fit for our household. I do not have any allergies to birds, but my husband does tend to be allergic to animals, birds included. We currently have a hypoallergenic breed...
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