
  1. ohthatdemoness6

    A bunch of used stuff (FREE!!!!)

    EDIT!!! I'm so embarrassed I forgot to put my location for easy pickup!!! I live in South Jersey within Camden County. Hi everyone! So I have a bunch of stuff that are in pretty good if not in almost new condition to just give as I don't think selling them would be ethical bc of the sizes of...
  2. V

    Free resource for bird Q&A - responses by vets

    Hi, I'm adopting an eclectus and have had quite a lot of questions. I found a free resource,, where the questions are answered by vets and vet techs. I thought it was extremely helpful so just passing it along. The vet who responded suggested a book for new bird owners, BIRDS...
  3. F

    Looking to Adopt a Macaw

    Retired man looking for a companion. Can offer TLC with ample living environment.
  4. K

    Female Eclectus Free to good home

    The doctor says I must surrender my parrot. I've had her since she was a baby. She's 15 now. She's very smart and is a good companion. Not demanding. She is a self-plucker, so she's not pretty. Good talker. Her name is Maya. Other than the plucking thing, she's been very healthy.
  5. B

    Question about cages, new here!

    Sorry if I'm a total newb.. -.- anyway, I have two sun conures and a baby green cheeked conure. Tikko is the baby, he doesn't have a cage, I mean, well, he does.. He just hated it so I put it away. He lives in my closet (I'll show a picture) and sleeps in his carrier, I bring him everywhere with...
  6. B

    Hello. New to Parrotforums. Parrot Lover

    :white1:Hello. My name is Suzanne Smith. I have lovingly owned parrots for 33 years, and I worked at a local zoological garden for 6 years. I am currently owned by a Moluccan cockatoo, a Sun conure, a Green cheeked conure, a Rainbow Lorikeet, a Canary winged parakeet, a Quaker parrot, and a...
  7. A

    Free Flight Video

    OK - so I've been looking into the idea of this ever since watching "Earthflight" and was looking at ways to record video of our birds flying around. I thought I'd start a discussion here to see if anyone has ever managed to record their bird's free flight experience from their...
  8. Dlong

    Oscar Wilds Free Flight

    Hey Everyone This is my first post on this forum. I wanted to share with you guys my experience with free flying my Green Cheek Conure Oscar. Oscar is 4 months old and I have been working with him for around 2 months to be ready for free flight. He has many exercises and situations that we...
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