harness help

  1. oliver_is_the_best_birb

    Help with harness training!

    My bird had a bad experience with the harness and I really want him to get used to it. He runs away from even the sight of it! I have it dangling on a perch by his cage but it doesn't seem to be working. Help!
  2. Ava.rg

    Harness training + which harness???

    Hello everyone! I want to start harness training my 2 month old pineapple conure and I was wondering which harness I should get. Iā€™ve heard the best is aviator but Iā€™ve been told avianweb as well. Also any tips on how to do it or go about it? Right now when he goes places with me he rides in a...
  3. A

    Choosing a harness?

    Hey everyone I want to harness train my 2 green cheek conures but I donā€™t know what kind of brand is the best for conures that is not too expensive. I wondered if you could tell me what do you use and whatā€™s your advice on choosing a harness and also if you know some things to avoid? Thank you...
  4. T

    Harness concerns?

    Hey I'm so sorry if my formatting is a little odd, I'm new to the site and haven't been able to navigate everything yet. So I've recently decided that I wanted to train my two cockatiels (Both are males from the same clutch and I've had them since they were over a month old. They're over a year...
  5. Ezekiell

    Difficulties with harness training

    Hi everyone. Māui has been going great and weā€™re really developing a good bond. Iā€™ve started trick training and heā€™s already mastered targeting, spin, shake, and Iā€™ve managed to capture his wave. Iā€™ve also been doing a lot of desensitisation training for the harness and he now tolerates it...
  6. lugiasuicune

    GCC Harness Training, Impossible to put wings through...

    So this is my first post here. I have exhausted any ideas I have or anything I could research online so I decided it would probably be best to ask others! I have been training my one year old, greencheek conure, Gordi, to wear an aviator harness for almost 3 months now. At this point, my green...
  7. Inger

    Need Advice - Getting "Flight Suit" Brand Harness on Tiny Bird

    I got a cute little Avian Flight Suit for my 11 week old Parrotlet, Bumble. I cannot for the life of me even begin to figure out how to get it on. I followed the conditioning suggestions on the package for young birds (put it in their sight for 2-3 days, put it close up like on you during...
  8. I

    I need some advice on wing clipping

    So I have had my nanday for about a year and half now. I had been taking him to get his wings and nails clipped at the pet shop I had bought him from for the last year and a half, but last time I had taken him to get clipped they gave him back to me with a bloody beak. I noticed this right away...
  9. J

    Aviator Harness - Help

    I recently bought an aviator harness for my green-cheek JellyBean... I managed to get it on him without too much fuss, but he hated it! Now - it will not let me near him with it... the harness is red, and even a week later he is wary of anything red in colour... Other than the harness, he is his...