
  1. P

    new bird

    Hello kind bird people! We just got a medium sized parrot from someone here in Mexico where we live (not a wild one-- it is a bred bird...) He told us it is a perico peruviano-- a peruvian parrot, but cannot figure out really what type of parrot he is-- can someone help us identify this...
  2. P

    new bird

    Hello kind bird people! We just got a medium sized parrot from someone here in Mexico where we live (not a wild one-- it is a bred bird...) He told us it is a perico peruviano-- a peruvian parrot, but cannot figure out really what type of parrot he is-- can someone help us identify this...
  3. A

    Help identify conure please!!

    just got the conure about 2 weeks ago, at first i thought it was A sun conure but then i heard it might be a jenday conure! please help!!:confused::orange: