
  1. lunyluna

    Should have joined this site sooner!

    Hello! My name is Barb and I have a Scarlet Macaw named Luna. I rescued her from St. Louis Avian Rescue (STAR) a little over a year ago (Feb 9th, 2019). I am 20 y/o and attending college, so I live in a tiny apartment with three other people! (yes, people, macaws CAN live in apartments...
  2. texsize

    The Amazonian Times

    The Amazonian Times This is intended to be the running commentary of my 3 Amazons. Bingo a Yellow Nape Amazon. He was my second parrot bought in 1986. I was told he was 1 year old when I bought him but he went through puberty less than a year after I got him So all I can say for sure is he is...
  3. texsize

    Luna's trip to the pet shop

    I took Luna to the pet shop in a transfer cage today. I wanted to see how the RLA would react to Luna. The whole thing was a bust.:smile011: Luna was to uncomfortable in the new and strange surrounding of the store. She barely noticed the other bird. The RLA was only interested in US...
  4. texsize

    Luna’s progress report 2

    Luna is doing very well just now. :green1: She had a case of the sniffles recently and we gave her a course of antibiotics that cleared things up. I think it was the same thing Bingo had some months ago but was less severe. Luna did not develop a runny nose with her noise breathing. It was so...
  5. texsize

    Luna the good the bad and the ugly

    So, we have had Luna for 1 week. She is the most active and playful Amazon I have ever had. She loves to play and fight with her toys. She says hello and it sounds like she is trying to say something else I can’t make out. Its two words together but I don’t know what it is yet.:D She eats her...
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