mating behaviour

  1. P

    Bonded Macaws

    I own two Blue and Gold Macaws, one male and one female. T I let my parrots out at 10:00 every morning and they go back into their cages at 18:00, my macaws are free flighted and the whole living room is free for them to roam with playstands scattered around the room. These two macaws spend...
  2. P

    Conure going through puberty?

    Hello all! I got a 1.5 year old Conure over a week ago and Cookie was going on my hands and shoulders fine, didn’t bite me at all, loved getting cuddles. There have been a few days where Cookie was very vocal and loud but today Cookie just wants to bite and come after your hands as soon as...
  3. B

    Need help0 on breeding!

    Hi im new to here :blue1:.. I need to now about Blue and Gold Macaw courtship rituals and breeding behaviours.. and anything inbetween! I would be most greateful if someone could help me!!! Beginner here...