
  1. E

    Cleaning product?

    Whats the best method yall have found to cleaning conure potty messes? Ive been using grapefruit seed extract cut with water but it feels like I need something harsh for the harder messes
  2. Cthebird

    What a mess!

    I say. I'm new to macaw ownership. I have a Hahn's macaw. We let him climb all over the top of his cage, and on the play gym, which is right next to it. The play gym also has food and water cups and toys. Well, food and toy remnants get tossed halfway across our bedroom, where he resides...
  3. N

    What can I wrap around a cage to stop the floor from constantly being a mess?

    So, Linus is beyond messy, Like 50% of his food ends up on the floor messy. I have to sweep more than 3 times a day and it's getting old. I thought about wraping mosquito net around the cage, but I'd be scared he would get his toes stuck. I also thought about cutting acrylic to fit around his...
  4. A

    Macaw Poops off Side of Metal Seed Catcher

    Hi there, I am having a problem with my Macaw pooping off the side of the seed catcher, defeating the purpose of catching seed and poop. Is there anything I can do to the seed catcher to prevent him from standing on it. He even does the big morning poop off the side of that just to spite me...
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