mineral block

  1. HowdyDoDee

    Beaks and minerals

    Can anybody recommend a mineral block without artificial ingredients? And are they really necessary? How about the controversial use of mineral grit? And how often do you replace your cuttlebones? I’ve seen aviaries with cuttlebones that are completely used up. It’d probably take a lifetime...
  2. AmyMyBlueFront

    mineral block..

    ...was shopping for pellets for Amy and came across this mineral block for Beebs. Anyone ever use one? Jim
  3. Sunnyclover

    Too much of a good thing? Paris eats her mineral block for hours...

    So all 3 of my birds have a huge shell mineral block in their cage. Ollie will chew on his now and then and Finley almost never but I'm not surprised because he's pretty weird and doesn't pay mind to lots of things he should. Paris on the other hand seems to have discovered her mineral block and...
  4. K

    conure going crazy over mineral stone

    Hi! :) So I have a greencheek conure, and except for being beautiful and waking me up by flying on my back in the morning he has a pink mineral stone apple taste and he just goes mad about it, eating it non-stop, rubbing his head till the white around his eye is pink and just tearing it apart...
  5. bill_e


    Hi All, Nike eats Zupreem pellets, a few seeds and nuts and some fresh foods daily. She had a calcium bock which came with her when I got her back in December and never touched it. The other day while at the bird store I picked up another block and bolted it near her favorite perch. She not...
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