new owners

  1. P

    Baby Parrotss shivering and feet are cold

    3 days ago we got 2 baby Ringneck Parrots. They are very active. But 1 day after getting them I noticed that their feet be cold and their body would start shivering when I am around. At first I thought they were scared but when i am around they will jump out of there box to come on my hand and...
  2. saganismyhero

    I’ve waited years for this, I finally have an African Grey! And boy is he mean

    The subject says it all, but also, I’m still so excited and thrilled. It’s funny how when you anticipate and research something long enough it really does make things easier. I brought Sagan home yesterday, he’s a 3? year old. I got him from someone who really neglected him and had him in a...
  3. G

    Budgie not eating or drinking on second day

    Hello everyone, this is my first post here so I'm sorry if I get anything wrong, I was just concearned and just had to find a way to speak to someone with experience, since I'm a new bird owner. Yesterday I got a lovely little budgie girl from sort of a bird shop half close to where I live. We...
  4. P

    At 78 my family just doubled!

    Hi Everyone. Never really thought about caring for a parrot-always been a fish man until I came to live in Paraguay with my Paraguayan wife. Then on a visit to wifes relation we were asked if we would take an Amazona parrot that had been dumped on them-they had loads of cats. We warmed to the...
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