
  1. veimar

    URGENT - is there any way I can help?

    We stay in our church house overnight today because of the snowstorm before the Theophany, and as we came back after dinner we noticed a pigeon on the ground window right near the door. I went to check on him, and he seems alert (although it's 10pm), his eyes are bright but very sad, and there...
  2. ann

    I need pigeon help...

    hey guys, so i still have my pigeon. I can't keep him, but I have named him Lawrence Howard (i felt he deserved a fancy name ;) ). I found him in a parking lot covered in feather lice and at the point of starvation. I caught him with a towel and took him home. his leg band indicates he is under...
  3. ann

    PLEASE I don't want him to die!!!

    A very young, and obviously sick pigeon approached my families car while we were in a parking lot tonight. he is banded and somewhat tame. i assume he is a male because he is very robust and stocky. he also is starting to grow iridescent neck feathers, and seems fairly large. from his leg band...
  4. F

    How Pink Pigeons Spared me from Life as a Lawyer

    How Pink #Pigeons (and Gerard #Durrell) saved me from life as a lawyer How Pink Pigeons Saved me from Life as a LawyerThat Bird Blog
  5. CharlieSheen

    Just a quick question...

    I was at a local Nature Center doing comunity service, and when we had to leave (We'd been out over 4 hours in the sun showing people how to use binoculars.), I stopped at the adoption booth, where I saw an adorable Fancy Pigeon. He/she looked so sad whenever it was alone. So I just wanted to...
  6. Amps

    Dying dove

    I know this is a site for parrots, but I though maybe someone here could help somehow. I have a mourning dove that is fully fledged, and this morning she was completely fine, sitting on my shoulder, cooing happily, everything was fine. But after spending the day at my boyfriends house, I came...