plucking goffin cockatoo

  1. R

    Newbie Goffin too mom needing advice on plucking!

    Hi everyone! I need help we have a rescue goffin that fell into our laps. Her name is Hootie she’s sweet as can be! We literally just got here I will be making a vet appointment first thing in the morning but I have no experience with plucking and I need advice. We were told she is a man’s bird...
  2. M

    scratching, picking,plucking

    I just adopted a goffin cockatoo, he is constintly picking and preening, he is very gentle, loves to be on my shoulder and will not stop picking, where ever we are there is feathers everywhere. I have started him on the avicalm but what else could i do. I'm afraid he is going to make him self...
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