poor nutrition

  1. budgie choir

    berserkfor bee pollen

    So I get new budgies in that have been on only seed diets and are starving for nutrients. vitamins make their water murky and smelly, and vitamin powders may or may not be finding their way in through the seeds.....but bee pollen is tiny like seeds and so much easier than vitamins.....I will...
  2. R

    Is this pineapple conure ok?

    I just bought this pineapple conure from an online store, to me it looks like, there is some issue with this individual, his feather colours are way too dull, he is eating normally, and seems to behave normally. I'm planning to include multivitamin in his diet, to see if he improves. Please...
  3. T

    Help for Howie

    Hello. I am new to this site although Howie and I have been together for 27 years. He is an Illinger macaw. I have had him since he came from the breeder. He was mostly my mom's bird (even though he was a birthday gift from her to me). When we first got him (as per advice of vet), he kept...
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