
  1. Aprilxoxo

    Bird agressive to anything that comes near me.

    Hi everyone. Ive had this 9yr old galah (Kiera) for a few months now and shes been quite the handfull. Usually it was her just not liking anyone, especially me since im her primary carer now. She wouldnt interact and when anyone got too close you got a serious bite. Shes do her get away from me...
  2. PenClem

    One bird is possessive of the other...

    I have two DNA-sexed Peach-faced Lovebird sisters who are now three years old. One often regurgitates for the other. In fact, Clementine will beg for it as if she were a baby where she gently flaps her wings, bends down and forward, and opens her mouth for Penelope to feed her. This behavior has...
  3. C

    Possessive green cheek conure

    We've had our bird for a couple of years now. Bought him as a hand-raised chick. To me he is very affectionate and will spend all day on me if he was allowed. He has always "hated" my husband, attacks him and latches firmly on his ears or fingers. He now "hates" my son (16) and will show signs...
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