
  1. F

    Russian Ratsnakes: Keeping One of the World's Largest Ratsnakes

    Hi, Frank Indiviglio here. I’m a herpetologist, zoologist, and book author, recently retired from a career spent at several zoos, aquariums, and museums, including over20 years with the Bronx Zoo Powerful and boldly-marked, the Russian Ratsnake (Elaphe schrencki) is one of the largest of...
  2. F

    Black Ratsnake Care & some field observations

    Hi, Frank Indiviglio here. I’m a herpetologist, zoologist, and book author, recently retired from a career spent at several zoos, aquariums, and museums, including over20 years with the Bronx Zoo. This article covers some field observations of I and others, record-sized Black Ratsnakes, giant...
  3. F

    World's Most Colorful Snake? - The 100 Flower Snake (Moellendorff's Ratsnake)

    Hi, Frank Indiviglio here. I’m a herpetologist, zoologist, and book author, recently retired from a career spent at several zoos, aquariums, and museums, including over 20 years with the Bronx Zoo. Although various American ratsnakes have long been pet trade staples, Asian species have...
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    Keeping Latin American Ratsnakes: the Tiger Ratsnake

    Hi, Frank Indiviglio here. I’m a herpetologist, zoologist, and book author, recently retired from a career of over 20 years with the Bronx Zoo. The first time I saw an adult Tiger Ratsnake (Spilotes pullatus pullatus) streaking through the brush in Costa Rica, I was immediately struck by the...
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