
  1. 00089

    Avian companionship

    My bird is a softbill and not a parrot, but I still want to be an active member here. I encourage you to participate in the discussion of avian companionship. I think about my relationship with my canary a lot. I have owned many pets throughout the years, several species, and there wasn't a...
  2. M

    Birdie Bonding

    I have had my 9 year old male Eclectus for almost 6 months now and I don't feel like we have really bonded at all. I work full time, and during these 6 months I have been pet sitting a lot and have not been home so my boyfriend takes care of him. I knew he was coming to me at a bad time and I...
  3. Migi.oso.priti

    Are my training sessions with my bird hurting our relationship?

    Hello all, I'm brand new to the forum and I joined to get feedback on this question. I got a 5 month old Indian Ringneck named Dagger (when I first met him he bit me and drew blood, hence the name) about a month ago and I've been taking all the typical advice (no sudden movements, soft kind...
  4. bostralian

    Permanently strained relationship with Amazon parrot (considering giving him away)

    Hi, I've had a Blue Front Amazon parrot for 4 years now. I got him when he was 11 months old. When I got him, he had never been touched, and was extremely wild. Even now, he NEVER lets me touch him. In the past 4 years I've had him, he's maybe let me touch him three times briefly. I feel like...
  5. Juno

    Wondering about my conure & budgies relationship?

    No idea if anyone has experience with this sort of bird dynamic but its worth a shot! We currently have 2 budgies (paired, in the same cage, and not hand tame) and a conure (lives solo and is hand tame). Since we got the conure last summer she's had a fascination with sitting on the budgies cage...
  6. JayBird

    Introducing the new baby to my puppy

    Hi everyone, I'm hoping to get some advice on how to go about introducing my baby conure to my dog. I don't want her to become scared or overwhelmed or anxious due to his presence in the house and would love for them to get along. Should I go about it slowly after she's settled into her cage...
  7. T

    Off on the wrong foot :/

    Hey guys, I got a new baby white capped Pi last Wednesday, just under a week ago. Things were great the first couple days. the baby wanted out and on me all the time, was playful and sweet, wanted head scratches and to play on the couch. Although I think I may have accidentally screwed up her...
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