ringneck dove

  1. S

    please help my dove

    Hello everyone!! Ill try to keep this short. So I have a albino ring neck dove. I've had her for about a year now no issues at all. She is living with 2 other birds , a male cockatiel :grey:about 1 year old and a male Green Cheek Conure:green2: about 5 years old. Everything was fine until one...
  2. veimar

    Ringneck Dove?

    Someone offered me a ringneck dove to adopt, but I wasn't planning on it. I read about them online, but there is not too much about what kinda pets they make. Does anyone have them? What kinda pets they make? Are they smart? :) Cuddly? :) How do they fly - just around the house or outside? Can...
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