safe cleaning practices

  1. EllieTheConure

    Bird safe cleaners?

    So far I've been using vinegar to clean up poops and stuff but I wanted to know if there is a cleaning brand out there specifically for birds. Essentially bird safe Lysol (because Lysol is not safe)
  2. Raz

    Cleaning questions+ bad bird habits

    It’s been a while since I’ve made a last post- I’ve got two jenday conures, that only stay in their cage to sleep or when I’m cleaning or when I’m not in the same room as them. ( I don’t want them to get startled or do something harmful for them). But when I put them in the cage to sleep, they...
  3. cardinalMom

    First time Cleaning Cardinal Cage: health and safety

    Hello everyone, In the next few days we will be clearning our cardinal Amadeus' cage for the first time. He lives outdoors and we would like to know how to clean his aviary in the most hygenic way possible. For instance should we wear something over our mouths to prevent inhaling his...