
  1. Kiko.mp3


    My 5 month old cockatiel calling/singing. Can anyone tell me from the noise it's making, what gender she/he is?
  2. S

    What song is my bird singing?

    I got daisy when she was around 10 years old, which was less than a year ago. She always sings this song and I am wondering if it is gibberish or a real song. Can anyone figure out what it is? What song is my parrot singing? - YouTube
  3. Arjiope

    Singing mixed with screaming (with video)

    My cockatiel Nikola makes this screaming/ singing noise, sometimes he does this while he's just playing with toys or when he's by a window. He's done this before a few times in the past week, so he doesn't do this every day. Cockatiel singing/screaming? - YouTube My sister is the one talking...
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